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Are You ADD? A Documentary.

About 10 million people have undiagnosed ADHD. I was one of them for fifty-three years.

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Are You ADD? A Documentary.

Are You ADD? A Documentary.

Are You ADD? A Documentary.

Are You ADD? A Documentary.

Are You ADD? A Documentary.

About 10 million people have undiagnosed ADHD. I was one of them for fifty-three years.

About 10 million people have undiagnosed ADHD. I was one of them for fifty-three years.

About 10 million people have undiagnosed ADHD. I was one of them for fifty-three years.

About 10 million people have undiagnosed ADHD. I was one of them for fifty-three years.

Wesley Gray
Wesley Gray
Wesley Gray
Wesley Gray
1 Campaign |
Seattle, United States
$1,540 USD 24 backers
5% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

About Are You ADD?

Help us reach the 80% of Adults with ADHD who go undiagnosed

Hi, I'm Wes Gray, Director of Are You ADD? Almost 20 years ago someone asked if I had read Driven to Distraction by Dr. Edward Hallowell. Somehow, I missed their not so subtle hint - and didn't read the book until a few years ago. When I read the ADHD case studies and saw how similar they were to my life experiences...  that was the eureka moment of my life!  Suddenly my lifelong struggles with lack of attention, losing jobs, strained relationships, etc.  started to make a lot more sense. The hope that things could be better came back into my life! Shortly after reading that book I was diagnosed in 2013 with ADHD. inattentive type (ADD) at the age of 53. 

This film is an autobiographical documentary about my life and what it was like to go undiagnosed with severe ADHD for fifty-three years. It covers my struggles with common ADHD symptoms throughout school, work and relationships. It's going to be a candid look into the devastating results of going untreated for so long. My hope is it will serve as a wake up call to those who have not been diagnosed, as well as for the skeptics who don't believe ADHD is serious (or for that matter even real).  After watching this film I believe they will have a hard time defending that position. 

 Although the film shows how disabling untreated ADHD can be, it also will celebrate the positive traits it can bring once it's identified and managed.  My passion is to spread awareness about ADHD. The main purpose of Are You ADD?  is to reach the estimated 10 million people who have ADHD, yet haven't been diagnosed or treated for it. Please share this film with them so they will see themselves in my story, seek diagnosis, then treatment.
These people are struggling with an unseen force... the negative aspects of their ADHD.  Studies have shown how harmful this can be, especially over time. Help us shine a light on this problem and the many effective solutions that are available by contributing to this campaign.
This film will be a powerful tool to raise awareness, hope and healing to the millions who are suffering right now.  

What We Need to Finish & What You Get

The pre-production stage was self-funded and is completed. Filmmaking isn't cheap, at least not for the quality we are expecting. This campaign has a goal of $30,000.  This is for the production budget. While that will enable us to make the film, we will continue to seek grants and other forms of financing to increase the production value and to distribute the film to a wider audience.  This Indiegogo campaign is perhaps the most important source, since it will show other potential contributors that there is a demand for this film. 

Please check out the perks for the different levels you wish to contribute at. If you provide services for ADHD Consider choosing a perk level that includes highlighting your service on the bonus DVD and/or web directory. The vision for this project is to have professionals like you showcased after the film and point our audience to your service where they can start getting the help they need.

All Contributions are Tax Deductible!


From the Heart Productions, a Indiegogo partner is our fiscal sponsor. They are a 501c3, which means your contributions to this film are fully tax deductible.  They sponser some of the best films on Indiegogo.

As a bonus goal, if we reach $40,000,  we will add a segment on the scientific breakthroughs that are being developed that have the potential to change the landscape of ADHD diagnosis and treatment forever.
Who we have interviewed so far:

Dr. Edward Hallowell, world renowned ADHD expert and founder of The Hallowell Centers of New York and Boston. Dr. Hallowell is a best selling New York Times author, graduate of Harvard College and Tulane School of Medicine.

Dr. Daniel Amen has performed over 86,000 SPECT brain scans over the course of his career. He is the founder of Amen Clinics, a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a New York Times best selling author.

With your help we will be able to interview:

Dr. Russell  Barkley Ph.D. a leading clinical scientist, educator and practitioner who has authored, co-authored, or co-edited 20 books and clinical manuals. He has published more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters related to the nature, assessment and treatment of ADHD and related disorders.

Patrick McKenna, a Canadian comedian, actor, and producer who has appeared in multiple television series and films including The Red Green Show and the documentary ADD and Loving it?!  More recently McKenna plays Dr. Fraser Healy on Hard Rock Medical.
The Impact

With your help we can get this film widely distributed and start creating awareness both about the documentary and ADHD. What your contribution will do:

  • As a contributor you will be inspired and equipped with knowledge to share with friends, family and co-workers that can really change attitudes and dispel myths about ADHD
  • If even one person recognizes that they have symptoms described in the film, and seeks help... you just changed a life forever! Thats got to make your day :)

Risks & Challenges

As a Director who has ADHD, making this film is a very personal challenge.  With my family and film crew firmly beside me, have supported me all the way. I hope you will too.  Here are some reasons this film will succeed:

  • As most of you know, we ADDer's NEVER give up.
  • Our team has a combined 40 years of experience in diverse media production including film, music, audio, and animation. This will be a film you will be proud to be involved with.
  • We have already interviewed two of the leading experts in the field and have more exciting interviews lined up.
  • This film will not be a collection of dry facts about ADHD, but will focus on my personal story of going undiagnosed for over fifty years and how that affected my life. Along with my story, Are You ADD? will feature up to date information and inspiring stories from some amazing people who are coping and often even thriving in spite of ADHD.  In the end, this film is about hope.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't contribute right now, we understand.  Please consider:

  • Use your social networks (online and off) to get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools
  • Blog about this project
  • Submit your ADHD life story for possible inclusion in the film.

Thank you so much!

Wes , Joshua, and the Are You ADD? crew.

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Choose your Perk



$50 USD
At this level you receive ... A credit as an advocate on our webpage, a DVD of the film, plus all previous level perks.
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Just Want To Help

$5 USD
A lot of people have expressed that they would just like to help by making a small contribution and don't necessarily want a perk. That's awesome, every contribution is appreciated! We still want to give you a perk, so at this level we'll will send Wes's story in PDF format and give you a shoutout on twitter for your help.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed

Crew Member

$25 USD
You are the reason this film will be made! Thank you for being part of the team. You will receive a link to the streaming version of the film. Plus all previous level perks..
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
2 claimed

Early Bird Adopter Bonus

$45 USD
The Early bird gets the worm they say... but we thought you'd like a $5 discount off the Adopter perk and all it's perks PLUS a signed book by Dr. Edward Hallowell. Limited to six contributors.
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
4 out of 6 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$100 USD
Directory listing of your ADHD related site or practice on the Are You ADD? web site permanently. In addition your name and/or business will be featured in the credits. Plus all previous perks.
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$250 USD
You are officially a Co-Producer of the film and will be acknowledged in the film credits. You will receive IMDB credit and your name/business will be featured on a bonus DVD as well as the website directory. All previous perks as well.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

ADHD Resource Bonus DVD

$500 USD
If you are a ADHD coach, counselor, or have any service or product that would be helpful to the viewers of this film. You service or product will be expertly edited from your source material and added as a bonus feature on the DVD under the menu "ADHD Resources" This will be mentioned at the end of the film. We plan on promoting the film at festivals and add more distribution through multiple channels.
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Executive Producer

$1,000 USD
A contribution of $2500 or more makes you a Executive Producer with full IMDB credit in the film, All previous perks except the ADHD Resource Bonus DVD offer included.
Estimated Shipping
November 2017
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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