Hello World, Have You Met Syunik?
Syunik is the southernmost province of Armenia, which borders Iran and is home to some of Armenia’s most diverse natural species, the largest forest in the entire country, one of Armenia’s most iconic attractions (Tatev Monastery) and an incredibly unique role in Armenian history. Yet, despite all this, the statistics say it loud and clear: Syunik is, for the most part, neglected by the modern tourist. Of the million travelers that visited Armenia in 2015, less than 1% actually made the journey that far south. Thousands each year are missing out on a big part of Armenia's nature and culture, but most importantly, the rural communities and villages in Syunik are not taking part in the economic benefits that accompany tourism. Our latest initiative, called ARK Bridge Project, will be developing a hiking network in Syunik to stimulate ecotourism in the region. Read on to learn more about the project.
ARK Bridge Project? What's That?
ARK Bridge Project is our grassroots effort to bridge the divide between Syunik and the modern tourist by means of hiking trails and eco-camps. We’re raising funds ($3,709, to be exact) to mark and map a network of hiking trails that will invite the adventurous, modern tourist to explore more of Syunik and meaningfully engage with Armenia's people and its landscapes. There are three major components to this project.
The Trail: The entire trail from Tatev Monastery to Shikahogh National State Reserve and Mount Khustup is 85km. Our project is raising funds to mark mainly the portion from Tatev to Kapan. This portion of the trail can be completed in 3 days time, and will also be accessible to cyclists. Travelers will stay in Tandzaver village the first night, in ARK's Arajadzor eco-camp the second day and reach the ARK Kapan eco-camp by their the third day. Hand-made signs will be placed along 5km intervals to point travelers in the right direction and indicate points of interest along the trail (e.g. nearby water sources). Ultimately, the Tatev-Kapan trail will connect with ARK’s existing hiking trail network in the region to offer travelers an exciting variety of sights, activities and experiences. Any extra funds we raise will go towards marking the rest of the trail from Kapan to Shikahogh.
The Eco-camps: Along this trail, we plan to build the second in a network of strategically located eco-camps made of recycled materials where travelers can find respite. The eco-camp will include a bathroom and shower (with real plumbing! woohoo!), a kitchen including gas stove, electrical outlets, cooking utensils, two story bungalows that can each accommodate 2 people, large open area where campers can pitch tents (tents also available), and more.
Information Support System Information signs will also be installed at every village along the trail. Not only will it provide basic information and history of each place, but it will directly connect travellers with local residents directing them towards those offering their products and services. ARK contact details will also be present on the signs for language support, in cases where assistance is needed. A billboard adjacent to Tatev Monastery will also be installed, informing tourists of the hiking trail and camping sites while providing ARK contact information to answer any inquiries.
We invite you to download and inspect our budget sheet detailing all the costs for this project!
Why We're the Right Ones for the Job
ARK Armenia is an NGO based in Syunik’s capital, Kapan, and we are committed to assisting the region’s transition into the modern tourism industry--responsibly, with an emphasis on preserving the bountiful nature around us. In just a year, and operating on a nearly non-existent budget with the help of volunteers and donors, we’ve already covered a lot of ground (literally).
- We've marked and mapped over 30 km of hiking trails in the region
- We've already built an eco-camp made of recycled materials that offers all the necessary facilities for hosting travelers
- We've hosted more international volunteers in Kapan, than in the previous two decades combined.
- Our founding team is actually located in Syunik, Armenia. No, Yerevan is not our home base. We actually live in the region we are working towards developing. We live here, we love our countrysides, and you can be sure that every dollar you contribute to this campaign will go towards developing them.
Sound Good to You?
Great. We’re not asking for a lot. Whether it’s $5 or $500 (or even a share on social media to show your support), whatever you can contribute makes a difference. It’s inspiring what we’ve been able to accomplish already, despite very limited funds, thanks to the help of volunteers from all over the world. That’s the beauty of grassroots movements like this one, every little bit counts. Now, we are inviting you to be a part of it, in whatever way you can. Make your mARK today by donating or joining our team of volunteers.