If you are part of the hardcore-punk scene, there is quite a chance you are familiar with the name of Iron Curtain, a straight forward hardcore band from London, UK. The band broke up and the main reason of their break up was the terrible accidents their guitarist, Attila Abraham suffered in the spring of 2012. First, he suffered a serious heart attack and literally died, but thanks to the lightning fast help of the ER, he came back from the dead. Not much later he suffered a stroke and because of this his right side is paralyzed and he completely lost the ability of speech.
Fortunately, the paralysis was temporary and Attila is out of the wheelchair, but he is still far from recovery. After more than a year after the stroke, Attila keeps struggling using his right hand and right foot, and is not able to speak fluently. As the part of his rehabilitation, he has to learn speaking and moving his limbs from the fundamental basics and has to undergo a complete physio program. Attila is unable to work and his parents who are retired and have severe illnesses themselves, the only person who can support him financially is his girlfriend, but she only has a part time job right now. The rehabilitation program and medicine cost a lot of money and with the living expenses they are almost impossible to cover especially from a part time wage.
Imagine how hard this situation would be for somebody who has always played music in bands and rode his skateboard for fun. Not being able to speak or make movements for somebody who wrote great songs and is a very talented musician must be super tough.
But even in his darkest days, Attila stayed extremely dedicated to hardcore. When he was released from the hospital he immediately started searching for new bands, hunting down demos and records and went to as many shows as he was physically able to, even though he was paralyzed. When one of his favorite current hardcore bands played in Hungary he asked his friends to get a record for him. When these friends went to visit Attila at his parents’ house, he put on a CD-R with this years and last best up and coming hardcore and played some crazy air guitar to it. His enthusiasm and commitment for this lifestyle is and has always been a great impact on people who played in a band or just hung out with him. His smiley and happy attitude, sense of humor and positive point of view made his personality so unique and made him an influential person for generations of hardcore kids not just in Hungary, but in London as well.
We, the friends of Attila decided to do a campaign for him and his recovery. A benefit show will be held on September 13 in Budapest, Hungary where one of Attila’s old Hungarian bands and another groundbreaking Hungarian band will reunite for only one show. The proceeds will be put towards his recovery. This fundraising was set up as part of this campaign, so we would like to ask you kindly to donate any amount of money you can to make the life and the recovery of a real hardcore dude easier. If you can’t donate right now, sending him a postcard, a fanzine or a tape/record from your band is something you can do, it would mean a lot to him seeing the international hardcore community cares about making a difference.