A big thanks to everyone who pre-ordered B.S., Incorporated—the books will ship to you the first week in May. If you'd still like to read the book, never fear! You can pre-order it on (our book distributor), Amazon, Barnes & Noble or iBooks. The official book launch is May 17.
About the Book
B.S., Incorporated is our debut novel—a funny, heartfelt story about a big, dumb, but well-meaning company teetering on the brink of disaster. Think The Office meets The Devil Wears Prada. The book officially launches May 17, 2016, published by Wise Ink Creative Publishing in Minneapolis.
"The emphasis is on the characters—and there are some really wonderful ones in B.S., Incorporated. It is a very heartfelt story ... I really enjoyed it. 4 out of 5 stars."
- NetGalley review
About the Authors: Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss
We spent the better part of two decades careening through corporate America—and barely lived to write about it. As company journalists, speechwriters, and communication directors, we took notes. Copious notes. "Someone-should-write-a-book-about-this" notes. So, we did.
We both live near Minneapolis, Minnesota, where we work as speakers and communication consultants. We share our best stories during happy hour.
About The Story
Business Solutions, Inc., is falling apart at the seams. While employees kill time stalking free snacks and filming porn in the HQ stairwells, the company's co-CEOs bring in shadowy corporate consultants to shake up their business in ways even they don't understand.
the communications manager tasked with translating C-suite doublespeak, Will
Evans is constantly torn between his blue-collar warehouse past and his
white-collar future. When he is put in charge of rolling out a dubious strategy
the consultants brand Optelligence,
Will is thrust deep into a muddle of absurdity and responsibility he never
Anna Reed, corporate mercenary with heels as high as her ambition. To her, BSI
is just a steppingstone to a better job at a smarter company. Demoted to Will’s
team on her first day, she’s ready to steamroll anyone to get her career back
on track.
BSI is pushed to the brink of bankruptcy, Will hatches
a covert plan that just might save them all. But he needs
Anna’s cunning and courage to pull it off. Can Anna, the consummate job jumper,
find a reason to go all-in on BSI? Or is she better off bailing and letting the
company go down in flames?
About This Pre-Sale Campaign
Nearly six years ago we sat on a restaurant patio in the shadow of our employer's office building and hatched a plan to write this book. After more than 60 months of rejections, revisions, and resolve, we found a terrific publisher to help us make it a reality. We've since invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in professional publishing services (we pay upfront for editing, cover design, printing, distribution, etc.). All of this work is to make B.S., Incorporated the best it can be possibly be. And unlike traditional publishers, Wise Ink allows their authors to keep 100% of their royalties after those up-front investments. And while we are now ready to take this humorous, heartfelt story to the world, we need just a little help to make that happen.
Which is where you and this fundraising campaign come in. By pre-ordering a copy of the book via any of the perk packages on the right side of this page, you will help us fund the last remaining piece of the publishing puzzle: publicity. Our campaign goal amount will fund a 6-month contract with our publicist—to help us get the word out through local and national TV, radio, and print media. Any amount we raise beyond the goal will fund an even broader marketing campaign, including ads on Facebook, conference sponsorships, and more.
You can see we're more than a little ambitious in our plans. Our goal is to reach anyone and everyone who has languished even a day in a soul-sucking job. We want to save (and entertain) as many lost corporate souls as possible.
Even Better Than Leftover Meeting Muffins in the Break Room!
So pre-order the book now, and you can not only be the first in your cube-farm to read B.S, Incorporated, you can also brag about your role in helping bring it to life. And while you're at it, consider one of the fun Office Survival Kits or other perks, some of which are pictured below. Or buy the right to name a Book 2 character—yes, we're working on the sequel. And our publisher is not shy about reminding us the clock is ticking on our writing deadlines.
IMPORTANT NOTE #1: If you order an e-book, click on the red "contact" button under the video near the top of this page. It'll ask you to log in with an email address and password. Then, send us a message with the type of e-reader you use (a Kindle or any other type of device). Likewise, if you order a signed, printed book, use the same process to send us your inscription.
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Every perk package comes with a Business Solutions Incorporated Employee of the Month certificate. After purchasing your book and swag, simply go to our web site's Buy the Book page—the cute li'l hangman drawing is a secret link to a downloadable, customizable PowerPoint certificate.
IMPORTANT NOTE #3: Regarding the "Name a Character in Book 2" packages: With great naming power comes great responsibility. Our books are humorous, but also based in reality. So please, no Alabaster Huckleberrys or Tatiana Snarkypantses. In other words, we reserve the right to ask you to "try again" on any submissions that wildly stray from the tone and the story.)
For More Information
Thank you for being a part of B.S., Incorporated! Feel free share this page with other book lovers. Visit us at or connect with us on social media: