Short Summary
"Barnaby" is the brainchild of Rhode Island Director and Writer Brandon La Fleur. It follows a concept we're all familiar with, but have yet to truly find the answers for.
In short, the film is about coping mechanisms.
The story follows the titular character's relationships one year after the death of his mother. It also follows Jack, Barnaby's father, as he attempts to date new women. The two cope in very different ways; while Jack silently deals with his grief, Barnaby goes through substantial physical and mental changes, leading him to go mute. These polarizing personalities lead to substantial household conflicts that send both characters to their wit's end.
Did we mention there's a polar bear costume? No? More on that later ;)
What We Need & What You Get
Our campaign is asking for $1200. We get it; that's nothing to scoff at. We found it very daunting to even write that amount down. Alas, in budgeting the film, this amount is essential to the success of the film.
Our film is a unique challenge because we are dealing with intensive physical and mental journeys that will require a lot of time and patience in the production process. And in this industry, time isn't cheap. To make this possible, we have hired a competent, hand-picked cast and crew, and are currently scouting locations around Rhode Island.
Filming takes place November 11th-13th in Rhode Island, and these dates are locked. Every cent matters to us, and we value every single share this campaign receives on social media. With sufficient funding, our minds will be able to focus entirely on the project, and not how to file for bankruptcy.
Risks & Challenges
We enter this production with a vast knowledge of how film sets work. And with that understanding comes quite a bit of excitement. This isn't anyone's first rodeo, and while we are up to the task, we understand the risk that comes into investing our time into a project.
Our latest challenge has been to secure locations in Rhode Island. As stated before, Locations account for 25% of our entire budget. We're dedicated to maintaining this budget because we need beautiful locations. We're not out to borrow a friend's studio apartment; we're looking for single family homes and offices good enough for a psychiatrist (both for the film and our own mental health).
This is a film shot by students at a capacity good enough for film festival circuits. We have the tools, and we have the knowledge, but like all good things in life, it comes with a price.We will be working on this film for weeks to come with this in mind.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
We appreciate every mention, share, comment, and criticism! Stay involved with the campaign!
Lastly, show our business partners some love by liking them here. Simeon and Garfunkel have a great array of sock monkeys (All available for the $25 perk listed on the right :)
Thank you so much.