Bison bison (American Buffalo) are awesome. And they taste great.
Help start a company focused on bringing back the Real. American. Meat.
We can’t wait for you to give BisonBison a try, and are confident that once you do you’ll love it and never go back. Right now we’re offering three products (at promotional pricing):
100% Grass Fed Ground Bison- Our ground bison is 100% pasture raised, antibiotic and hormone free and very good for you. Available in the Bay Area (and exclusively for the campaign in NYC, Chicago & DC). Order 2-lbs of this premium product for $25 (Bay Area) or $30 (includes delivery to NYC, Chicago & DC).
BisonBison Co. Jerky- We're proud of our jerky. It tastes delicious and is a great, low fat, high protein snack.
BisonBison Co. Pemmican- Never heard of this? Then try some of this awesome Native American trail mix!!
Our pemmican and jerky can ship anywhere in the US. Purchase two 3-oz. packages for $25.
Full product descriptions at the bottom of the page.
**UPDATE: BisonBison Co. t-shirts have arrived! Two styles added as perks. Support BBC and look cool at the same time. $25 for a limited time.**
We’re a team of San Francisco based, bison loving, burger eating entrepreneurs working to bring bison meat to the plates of Americans. Here's what our campaign is all about:
Bison meat is healthy, delicious, and environmentally responsible - but not easy to find on a menu.
At BisonBison Co., we want to cultivate the bison industry and bring this delicious meat to you. We provide ground bison, bison jerky, and bison pemmican from great ranchers in America's heartland to markets, restaurants, and consumers.
We need your support to help build out our brand, establish relationships with suppliers and customers, and tackle logistical & regulatory obstacles.
In return you'll get to try our tasty products, rock some sweet BisonBison swag, and get more involved in our movement to restore bison as the Real Red Meat.
We need your help to start the BisonBison movement. Get Some!
Why BisonBison Co.?
We love bison so much we think everyone should have to say the word twice. Also, conveniently Bison bison is the scientific classification for American buffalo. So there.
Why bison?
If you care about the quality of your food, where it comes from, and its impact on the environment, then bison meat is the best meat.
Bison, the ultimate paleo food, once dominated the American heartland and was a staple diet for millenia. Unfortunately, a euro-centric bias for cattle ranching, the rise of industrial feedlots and other factors mean few people today have ever seen bison meat on a plate. Our mission is to change that -- because bison meat tastes better, is better for you, and is more environmentally sustainable than any other meat. Plus, eating BisonBison is just a plain hip thing to do.
Our american buffalo:
are lower in fat, lower in cholesterol, and higher in protein and omega 3’s than skinless chicken or grass-fed beef
have more essential vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, B12, niacin and zinc
are never fed growth hormones, antibiotics, and are 100% natural and additive free
have a low-carbon impact
are ethically raised and slaughtered
With over 500,000 bison in the US and Canada, bison are far from endangered, but their current population is a far cry from the once 50 million that inhabited the Great Plains. The majority of these bison are raised on grassland as part of the natural ecosystem. Ranchers love them because they don't require special care like cattle do. These are animals that know how to raise themselves, survive a drought, and push through catastrophic weather. In short they're pretty badass just like you.
Consumers in Colorado and other western states are already huge fans of bison meat. Help us build out demand everywhere else for the natural American meat, so that more ranchers can go bison and more consumers can discover it.
The BisonBison Co. Team
We are a passionate group with plans to rocket ship the BisonBison Co. mission to the moon. While we aren't your typical meat distributors, our diverse but solid backgrounds in sales, marketing, and operations give us a unique take on the business.
"Have you ever seen a cowboy ride a buffalo? No? Well, that's because cows are wimps compared to bison. I'm committed to BisonBison Co. because this is a product that is all of the right things. It is genuinely better tasting, better for you and more sustainable than any beef product." - Sam, environmental business dude and rock enthusiast
"I spent the first 18 years of my life on a 25,000 acre bison ranch near the Black Hills in South Dakota. The first thing you learn on a bison ranch is to ride a bison bareback in nothing but a pair of boots. Just kidding. The first thing you learn is that bison are powerful creatures and that they absolutely belong in the Great Plains. A critical part of keeping bison herds on the Plains is finding consumers to support what ranches there are as well as teaching ranchers the economic and environmental benefits of raising bison. Our mission is to see bison herds grow." - Devin, grew up on a bison ranch and actually wrangles horses bareback
"Despite being raised on junk food, I became more conscious of my food decisions during college, and began to grill bison in 2007. I used to only prepare bison for special occasions, but since I began to eat it, it has become a staple in my diet because of its versatility, flavor, and healthiness. It has, at times, become difficult for me to find in stores, and the price has only increased since I started eating it. At BisonBison Co., I strive hard to make people see bison - not as a trend - but rather as what is becoming a mainstay on American tables." - Rob, creative visionary and grillmaster
"How often is the best tasting thing on the menu also one of the healthiest? Pretty much never. Bison are awesome in every way, and until someone invents a way to remove all calories from ice cream or mac&cheese it will be a staple in my diet. Can't wait for everyone else to get on the BisonBison bandwagon. Get some!!" - EB, food-loving master of getting things done
"I'm passionate about crowdfunding and I love helping startups get creative about funding. I joined BisonBison Co. because I care about where my food comes from, and I want to support the effort to bring bison back as an ethical, sustainable, and delicious protein!" - Amanda, funding whiz and informed eater
Together we're taking our years of talk and daydreams of a bison loving America to the market. BisonBison Co. comes from the heartfelt and real knowledge that with the right management and marketing bison meat can become a staple again nationwide, like it already is in some states. Like other "indigenous" food companies selling fancy health products we claim that bison (American buffalo) meat is good for you, tasty and good for the environment. The difference here is that bison is the truly an American meat. We aren't shipping this from some far away, exotic land. We are building a movement around a natural, sustainable food from the plains (South Dakota for now).
We like to say that cattle are an invasive species and that bison are the original kings of the American plains.
Why we're asking for your investment
We've talked to consumers and retail outlets and know that there's already demand for high quality bison meat around the Bay area, and even nationwide. To actually get bison onto menus and onto your plates, though, we need to cultivate the existing market, educate more consumers, and partner with more of the ranchers that are eager to raise bison.
We need your funds to help us:
- Continue to source the best quality meat - partner with more ranchers and distributors
- Address logistical challenges in physically bringing bison meat to marketplaces - set up shipping, storage, delivery, etc.
- Build our brand and idea into a reality - ramp up marketing efforts and start sales to restaurants, markets, and direct to consumers
- Get our products into the hands (and mouths) of consumers - you! - to spread the bison word
Over the next several months we will be working to solidify relationships with new and existing suppliers, build out a physical system to get our meat from the ranchers to you, and ramp up marketing efforts to increase awareness of and demand for bison meat. Your support will also help us conquer the complex regulatory environment that meat and food businesses are currently faced with.
Help us help you Get Some!
Ground BisonBison: 92% lean and 100% delicious bison meat. Only fed on grass and never given any hormones or antibiotics. A delicious, non-gamey, high protein red meat that is beyond compare. We love to put it in burgers, but don’t be afraid to use it anywhere you’d use beef (your momma’s meatloaf, comfort style meatballs, fancy bolognese, sloppy sloppy joes... endless possibilities). Sold by the pound.
BisonBison Jerky: A traditional bison jerky that is mildly seasoned and just a little bit spicy. Kept simple and smoked to perfection, this is a great snack for any place, any time. Sold in 3oz. packages.
BisonBison Pemmican: A variation on an old classic. Pemmican is a traditional Native American foodstuff that mixes dried meat and cranberries. Considered a high-energy food, it was widely adopted by early American fur traders and even arctic explorers. Our pemmican mixes dried bison with cranberries and acts as a power food for any of your adventures! Sold in 3oz. packages.