A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
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A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
A Contemporary Whodunnit - Feature Film
Board Games is a feature length film currently in pre-production with a scheduled shoot of January 10th - February 2nd 2020.
The film is a whodunnit for the modern era.
Six college students find themselves in the middle of a grisly mystery after a house party gets out of hand.
Elijah, Jeffrey, Scarlet, Emily, Gavin, and Liz were not planning for things to get this screwed up. Some were escaping something, some were embracing something new. It was just supposed to be another house party, not unlike the hundreds that take place on every college campus. But this one was different.
Elijah's apartment is destroyed, and the group has no memory of the night before. The only thing that's certain is they just found a dead body, and the group has a creeping suspicion that someone who spent the night might be responsible.
A contemporary twist on a classic genre, Board Games is an intense, mysterious thriller about today's generation.
Making a feature length film isn't cheap, and making one for $20,000 isn't easy.
The primary expense we've dedicated the budget to is the purchasing, processing, and transferring costs of the 16mm film stock we will be shooting the film on. The entirety of our camera crew has experience shooting on film.
The process of working with celluloid film is laborious, and much more costly than shooting on traditional digital cameras. However, we at Board Games adore the color profile and visual texture that shooting on film gives us, for which the images below can attest.
"16mm" Dir: Tyler McClellan (2019)
"Deal" Dir: Timothy Kandra (Creative Producer) (2019)
"Into the Night" Dir: Dakota Cerro (Gaffer) (2019)
The other large expense for a film like Board Games is the production design. The set, costumes, and art direction all go hand in hand in crafting a tense, nail-biting mystery. Add on top of that an original score recorded with a live orchestra, special FX, extra equipment costs, and food for the cast and crew, it does start to add up.
See below for a more detailed breakdown of our budget!
Want to meet more of the crew? Check out our instagram at @boardgamesfilm for regular Meet the Crew updates!
We understand that there are a large majority of risks that going into making a feature film.
Everything that can go wrong on a film set, likely will go wrong. We have no intentions of being anything but open and honest with our backers when problems eventually arise. Filmmaking is all about problem solving, be them small discrepancies on the day, or finding long term solutions to any issues on set or in post-production.
From the satisfaction of making a great film at the end of the day, to the excitement of joining along in the filmmaking process, to our wide selection of perks, we want Board Games to be a worthwhile investment for you.
Show off your support with our Headwear tier or our Signed Poster, or for a little extra you can become an Associate or even an Executive Producer on the film! Join the filmmakers for a Video Chat or just accept a humble, digital thank you card from the cast and crew. The choice is yours!
Of course, not everyone interested in helping with Board Games will be able to donate. We understand that and thank you for your time and consideration so far.
If you are still interested in helping out but aren't in the position to make a donation right now, we ask that you please spread the word and share this project as much as you possibly can. Our best chance at funding this project is by getting as many eyes on it as we can.
From the bottom of the hearts of every cast and crew member, we want to say thank you. Thank you for reading this much about our passion project. We would love for you to come along for the ride with us.
Consider this your cordial invitation.