BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
This campaign is closed
BookSmart Evolution
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart Renewal Starts with YOU!
BookSmart has been your community bookstore for the last 23 years. Last year we moved to our new digs after a mad scramble to find a new place. We love our new home but the cost of moving and the timeline required didn't allow us time to find proper financing, so we dug deep, using credit cards, personal loans and cash advances. Now we need some help getting caught up and refinancing the expensive debt. This campaign is an all or nothing campaign so if we don't reach our goal of 20K then no contributor will pay.
Over the years BookSmart has been more than just a bookstore. Brad & Cinda believe in giving back to the community and were partially responsible for the formation of much that many love about Morgan Hill, including the Friday Night Music Series, The Morgan Hill Downtown Association, The Safe Trick or Treat and the Morgan Hill Gift of Reading. They also have or are on the board of other community and school organizations. The BookSmart team has just formed a foundation arm (BookSmart Community Advantage) to carry on their meaningful work making Morgan Hill a better place for all.
With your help this vital work can continue...
Here are 5 things you can do to help.....
1) Contribute to this campaign (Please note that the site takes a 5% cut, so be generous!)
2) Stop by the store and give directly -- every bit counts. You'll find a collection jar at the front desk.
3) Buy gift cards -- Purchase now and treat yourself to books, toys, and ice cream over the next weeks and months, knowing that you were part of keeping the magic alive. Special offer! Buy a $500 gift card and get $50 bonus added, buy a $1000 gift card and get $150 bonus added.
4) Spread the word -- tell your friends about what's going on and encourage them to contribute or buy gift cards. Speak up on social media and tell people how much having BookSmart in town means to you.
5) If you can do more -- long term loans, refinancing assistance, other creative ideas, please reach out to Cinda & Brad at the store or by phone or email. (408) 778-6467 or