Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
This campaign is closed
Brazilian Sea Beyond Blue
Laje de Santos / SP / BRAZIL
Photos by Guilherme Kodja
We have been there more than 12 years, working on filed research and conservation operations. Also our major work has been done at primary and middle schools, dive events and Universities, previously incorporated into other projects and actions.
Guilherme Kodja (during Mantas do Brasil project) after one ove hundred classes to children at public schools at city of Santos/SP/Brazil.
IPM - Iniciativa Pro Mar is a NGO founded as result of passion and knowledge of its founders (Guuilherme Kodja, Fabian Umbelino and Odoardo Lantieri), seeking continuity in supporting the enforcement against illegal fishing, marine pollution (Santos has the biggest Port in South Amrica!!) and effective environmental education of children, youth and adults. Our expertise in this field has been acquired and recognized by Universities, in National Events, and Public Schools of the cities of Santos, Guaruja and Praia Grande and also in some private entities as well.
Guilherme Kodja giving a talk on Manta Rays Awarness in a University in Sao Paulo (2015)
With two books published on Marine Protected Areas ("Laje de Santos", in 2009 by Ed Globo, Co-authored and co-organized and "Alcatrazes" in 2012 by Ed Cultura Sub) and more than 04 years as member of the Board Manager APA Marinha Litoral Centro / SP and Advisory Council of the Marine State Park of Laje de Santos, Guilherme Kodja, president of the NGO IPM signs the authorship of this project. As marine biology field researcher carries the experience of six international scientific publications on marine life and has participated as a member of the global team that assessed the risk of extinction of the Giant Mantas Ray (Manta birostris) for the IUCN in 2011.
Seaman since 1987, is internationally qualified as Yachtmaster Offshore Power & Sail (MCA) keeping as much as possible of his life at sea, dedicated to its protection, conservation and spraying information on marine life, its risks and conservation issues, especially in our over exploited Sao Paulo/Santos coastline.
Hammerhead Shark killed by ilegal long line at State Marine Park (Image: IPM/Guilherme Kodja)
It's time for us to help to restore some balance to the equation as the Government is not quite concerned about it!!
IPM´s President, Guilherme Kodja working with Giant Manta Rays which visit this Port Area only seasonally (on winter) for just a few weeks! Thei conservation status at IUCN?? VULNERABLE to EXTINCTIION!!
Learn more about the President of IPM and its scientific work:
Why this amount?
A: It refers to few hundred hours of navigation for US$ 258.00 field operations per hour (this includes the cost of the boat, fuel and crew only) and US$ 20,000 for classes and education lectures and environmental awareness in schools and universities in the State of São Paulo (travel expenses and accommodation, there are no fees charges as it is a volunteer work) within 18 months / (database FEB 2016).