Hi :)
Hi, my name Kris. I’m electronic engineer from Serbia and I’ve
created the remarkable little thing called BreadBooster™.
My dream is to have a large online shop with all kinds of cool development
boards, electronics kits and useful devices for all You out there involved in
electronic engineering. I’m hoping that BreadBooster™ is one
step toward that dream. One my own, I won’t be able to achieve anything
significant because I have very limited resources but with Your help things will
About BreadBooster™
BreadBooster™ is a highly convenient dual output
breadboard power supply.
With built in dual channel voltmeter that displays the output
voltage on a small LCD display it is now easy and fast to set up the desired
voltage level on each BreadBooster™ output. Center tactile switch is used to select which
output channel is currently connected to the voltmeter. Green LE diodes will
indicate current selection.
Left side output of the BreadBooster™ will provide voltage levels from
1.5V to 5V and the right side output will give you voltage levels from 5V to
20V. Each output has a multi-turn trimmer potentiometer which is used to precisely
set up the desired voltage level.
The brains behind the BreadBooster™ are two powerful
Microchip’s MCUs. On the main board direct voltage level measurements and control is performed
by PIC16F1783. It sends all data to the top board which has PIC16F1517 on it.
This micro does all the math required to display the numerals on LCD. It also controls the
state of channel select indication LEDs.
One highly desirable feature of BreadBooster™ is that
it has a short-circuit management system. In a case of short-circuit (accidental
or intentional) it will “cut off” the supply current within the fraction of a
second therefore saving itself and external circuitry. When short-circuit is
detected visual indication system is also turned on. A pair of red LE diodes placed
on each side of the BreadBooster™ will dynamically blink indicating that
short-circuit is made on the particular output.
Once the shot-circuit is removed BreadBooster™ will “open-up”
the internal digital switch and the load current will flow again normally. :)
Maximum load current that can be drawn from each channel is
displayed in the following table.
BreadBooster™ requires a standard 12V/1A DC adapter with
2.1mm(also standard) center pin connector to be connected to.
BreadBooster™ will come as easy to assemble kit.
Use this instructable as a guide for easy and fun assembly:
BreadBooster™ is for everyone
Unique features of the BreadBooster™ will be very useful for individual
use or for group/classroom usage.
JUNE 20 to JULY 20: Campaign will be in progress
JULY 21 to AUGUST 22: Indiegogo/Paypal processing period
AUGUST 22 to SEPTEMBER 21: Production and everything else :)
SHIPPING !!! (if all goes well :)
Components used for BreadBooster™ are currently well stocked. However
in the future some of them might be out of stock so be prepared to wait little
longer if that happens. I’m ready to even redesign the BreadBooster™ with available
equivalent components.
Facebook, Twitter, forums ... a share can change everything !!!
A share can have a powerful effect on a campaign so please
use the Indiegogo share tools. You can copy campaign URL and paste it wherever is convenient to do so. Call you friends to help too :)
Fastest way to see any campaign update is to visit BreadBooster™ Facebook page