We hope to spread 100 million smiles worldwide by enhancing quality of life of each individual. Beyond that, we’ll help millions to live life to the fullest by — online, or at physical wellness centre’s where we’ll establish resources to seek therapy, healing or coaching.
We would further intend to build vocational training centres for people with mental disorders as a day care facility across India.
Your donation will help us start with building a online presence for people to seek therapy anonymously.
Whats the pain point and the impact
Most of us pay close attention to our physical health. For example, we eat nutritious food, When we get cut, we apply antibacterial ointments, bandages and see that cut is healed. We take preventive and protective measures for us to be healthy.When it comes to emotional needs, we seldom take care of them
In todays Busy lifestyles, we go through many emotional issues leaving us wounded which we aren't much aware of .
Repeat occurances of one or similar instances, if not attended have a huge impact on the lives of the individual and the family.
Stigma, discrimination and neglect prevent care and treatment from reaching people with mental disorders, says the World Health Organization (WHO)
What will we do to bring difference in this area:
What did we do to test the waters:
Our prototype , happy being intended to manage emotions positively which is very primitive app has more than 180k+ downloads, has been listed in top charts.
Incorporataing customer feedback, we intend to build a one stop place for all your emotional needs. nSmiles.club which is the Virtual wellness center,
declared RUNNERS UP at GLOBAL STARTUP BATTLE 2014, in do the KIND category.
What We Need
Why do we need this money?
So, every dollar you donate will be used only on building the Virtual and Physical wellness center.
Beyond money— we need your help spreading the word
Since we are building a inclusive community of Experts or been there or done that,Incase you would want to volunteer in giving a listening, please write to us and be part of our Billion Smile Nexus.
Sponsor, Share and be part of building your personal support system.
Our campaign in the press: