We've already got Monkey World and Bird
World as visitor attractions - so why not Cat World?
Is this the craziest crowdfunding pitch yet?
I'm not sure! It has to be close....
It’s massive! Can we really achieve it?
I’ve no idea! BUT what I do know is that if Cat World existed I'd be one
of the first to visit and if the USA can successfully fund potato salad and cat
egg moulds then it has to be worth a try!
Just Imagine…Everything Cat all in one place!
What would a World of Cats look like?
Pawprint paths
Cat Café/Restaurants
Cat themed gift shops
Cat product shop
Cat themed play area for the children
Cat themed rides
Cat breed information centre – learn about the different breeds
Adoption and rescue centre
Cat event space – the latest new cat product launches, weddings,
The story of the cat
Cats meet and greet
Big cats
The cat train!
Cat shows
Famous cats
Cat education centre
Cheshire cat maze
Cat crazy golf
Cat crafts
Cat hotel
…..and so much more! The list and possibilities are endless!
Any suggestions? Please get in touch and let us know!
…We could even have more than one at different locations across the UK!
Who Am I? What do I know right?
Am I just a crazy cat lady? Well yes but don't hold that against me!
I am Caroline, I've worked in Marketing (Senior Levels) for the last 15
years with 10 of them being in entertainment and venues.
Setting up my own business has always been a dream of mine but finding
the right idea takes time and of course funding!
So why cats? I am the proud mum to my furbaby Bolt. Having rescued him
at twelve weeks old, he is a pivotal part of my life having just turned seven.
He rules the roost and I wouldn't have it any other way! I think Cats can
bring huge benefits to people’s lives and many of us know or understand little
about them.
Was I always a cat fanatic? NOPE! But rescuing Bolt showed me what a
brilliant best friend they make and now I'd never be without at least one in my
If Bolt would let me, I’d have more than one now but he is the ultimate
in Spoilt Puss and would never forgive me!
Say Hi Bolt!
What do I need and where do I start?
Help me to get this idea off the ground by contributing...where am I
going to start? Here are a handful of things…
1) Research Research Research!
2) Create the business plan
3) Attract/Pitch investors/sponsors
4) Review licences and the legal stuff
5) Review health and welfare issues and consult Cat experts
6) Find the property and buy it/rent it – develop it
7) Create the marketing plan
8) Keep up the momentum and keep everyone updated!
Easy right??
How can you fellow cat people help me?
Be it £1 or £100,000,
every penny gets us closer to our goal but it's not just money, we need to
spread the word far and wide. Come check us out at www.theworldofcats.co.uk or visit us on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and YouTube.
The aim is to get The World of Cats open for Spring of 2017. We're taking on the
challenge of a lifetime, and we can't do it without you fellow Cat
Join our mailing list - £5
Join our mailing list and keep up to date with our progress and news!
We will update you via e-mail regularly.
Become a start-up member - £10
Keep up to date with our progress/newsletters and get exclusive access, news and vouchers as we go! Plus you’ll be first on the list for opening tickets.
Pre-Pay for a single visit - £20 per
Become a start-up member and get your first visit included when we open!
Keep up to date with our progress/newsletters and get exclusive access, news and vouchers as we go! Plus you’ll get your first visit included!
Price is per person
Sponsor a pawprint paving stone - £50
Have your name or your cats name engraved on the entrance path – stones will be in the shape of pawprints and will be permanent feature.
You will become a start up member as part of this package.
Exclusive ticket to our pre-opening
event - £120
We will have an exclusive first look event before we open!
Tickets will only be available to buy through this crowdfunding campaign. You will become a start up member as part of this package.
Price is per person
Sponsor a rescue cat for a year -
This is a very special contribution and will enable us to house rescue cats at the attraction – this will pay for them to be looked after for a year and you will get regular updates on your adopted cat.
You will become a start up member as part of this package.
Founder member for life – £1000 per person
Become a founder member for life - one of our VIPs! and come and go as you please for as long as you want to. We will only offer this on a limited basis as part of this campaign.
You will get the benefits of the start-up member plus unlimited access when we open.
Price is per person
Name one of our buildings - £5000
Name one of the attractions buildings - you can choose which one and within reason (as long as it is not offensive) what you would like to call it. This will be a permanent feature and would be a great lasting legacy for a true cat lover!
You will become a start up member as part of this package.
The Challenges
Honestly – It’s all a challenge!
BUT we like challenges and I truly believe that this would make a great
visitor attraction so we aren’t afraid to tackle each one head on.
It’s a massive task but with your help and backing I am sure we can do
My initial target of £100,000 will get us well on the way to getting set up. The overall project will require circa £3 million but I plan to secure this from large investors/sponsors.
Attracting the big investors is the key to getting this open and most importantly securing the property, but to get there I need the support from fellow cat enthusiasts to build the plan in the first place.
Without this crowdfunding the idea will remain just an idea!
Other Ways You Can
If you can't help, thank you for reading anyway!
If you are a fellow cat lover and are behind my idea then you can still
help by sharing my campaign and encouraging others to buy or contribute! The
more people hear about my campaign the more likely I am to be able to get it
off the ground!
Just follow the links at the bottom!
If you can support in other ways other than financially then I'm also
happy to hear from you!!
Thank you and Meow!!