Due to Kenyan regulations against corruption, foreigners shall no longer be involved in political campaign fundraising activities. Therefore, this campaign is now supporting :
A better life for Mathare’s residents through Mathare Roots Youth Group.
Kindly refer to the updates for more information.
CHANGE in Nairobi's Slum
Nairobi, Kenya's capital, currently hosts around 2.5 million people. More than 50% of its population lives in slums without adequate shelter, clean water and decent sanitation. The Kenyan government has for decades failed to take the minimum steps required to provide Nairobi’s slums and informal settlements residents with proper living conditions. Millions of urban poor live without the minimum degree of dignity…
But steps are taken to finally improve and upgrade the life of people living in slums.
Mathare Roots
Mathare Roots Youth Group is a non-governmental, non-religious, and non-political, community based organization (CBO) consisting of young people from Mathare slum Valley. Mathare Roots is instrumental in the development and the well-being of Mathare’s Community. They provide education through trainings and scholarships, information through awareness campaigns and nurture raw talent through sports and art. They encourage the youth to be more conscious of their livelihood and provide guidance on how to improve their lives. Most of the members were born and raised in Mathare slums. They are familiar and understand the struggles of the slums. The members thrive to fetch “good fruits” from the slum. They have vast experience in community development and individual growth related issues, acquired from long-term involvement with other community groups based in and out of the Mathare Slums.
Mathare Roots Activities
Mathare Roots organize social activites, workshops, and clean ups and offer a mentorship programme.
Mathare Roots’ Vision
From Roots to Fruits: improve the lives of Mathare Slums’s dwellers.
Please visit their website for more information: http://www.mathareroots.org/
We, Steph and Laura, strongly support the activities of Mathare Roots and encourage you to support them too!
- Help Mathare Roots with a contribution, no matter how small.
If you can’t contribute…
- Tell others about Mathare Roots.
Like Mathare Roots on Facebook and ask your friends to like them too...
- Write Mathare Roots some encouraging words or share some ideas :)
Or you might wish to support other organizations contributing to the improvement of Mathare Slums :
Mwelu Foundation : http://www.mwelu.org/, Billian Music Familiy : http://www.facebook.com /home.php#!/TheRealBMF?fref=ts, Maji Mazuri : http://www.majimazuri.org/