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Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

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Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

Chien Chien Lu - The Path *Now its being printed*

You can still donate. but the perk "special mention on my record" won't be available.

You can still donate. but the perk "special mention on my record" won't be available.

You can still donate. but the perk "special mention on my record" won't be available.

You can still donate. but the perk "special mention on my record" won't be available.

Chien Chien Lu
Chien Chien Lu
Chien Chien Lu
Chien Chien Lu
1 Campaign |
NEW YORK, United States
$17,030 USD by 227 backers
$16,830 USD by 221 backers on Aug 21, 2020

This album contains 12 songs. From Roy Ayers and Jazz Octet to traditional Taiwanese songs and contemporary marimba quartet. I am on vibraphone and marimba with Richie Goods - Producer, Acoustic bass and electric bass, Shedrick Mitchell on piano and organ, Allan Mednard on drums, Ismel Wignall on percussion, Jeremy Pelt on trumpet, Quintin Zoto on Guitar, Yoonjin Park on Violin and Phoebe Tsai on Cello. 

此張專輯共有12首樂曲,你可以在裡面聽到從靈魂樂鼻祖Roy Ayers到中文老歌改編,爵士八重奏到木琴四重奏,各種不同聲響色彩。我在專輯中演奏鐵琴、木琴,我的製作人是Richie Goods ,他同時也是貝斯手;Shedrick Mitchell 為鋼琴、管風琴手;Allan Mednard 為鼓手;Ismel Wignall為打擊樂手;Jeremy Pelt 為小號手;Quintin Zoto為吉他手;Yoojin Park為小提琴手;Phoebe Tsai為大提琴手。

This is my debut album, it’s a completely self-produced project, I’m doing it without the support of a record label. It requires lots of energy to overcome obstacles and challenge myself to handle multi-tasks under limited budget, time and resources. I’m learning so much in this process. Also, the most wonderful thing about making my own record is that I get to talk to every all of you guys. If I have no communication and connection with you all, I wouldn’t be able to make music. So even if you can’t donate, that’s all good. You can just talk to me, send me messages. Or even better, share this project with your friends.


I grew up and was raised in Taiwan.  I was a classical/contemporary percussionist. My college and grad school life in Taiwan was all about how to push my contemporary playing and how to interpret original composers’ materiel to the next level. I was in a world renowned percussion ensemble called “Ju Percussion Group” and we toured quite often in China, Singapore, Thailand and other Asian countries. The group collaborated with traditional artist in Asia including Peking Opera, dance. I was always fascinated by the two different art forms combined together. I applied these concepts to the tracks “The Path” and “Blossom in a Stormy Night” on this debut album. In 2015 I came to the States to study Jazz music. I was in a grad school program at University of the Arts in Philadelphia. By immersing myself in the Philly Jazz scene and learning the jazz language I started to feel the contrast between my culture and the art form Jazz. I feel that the music of the album is the result of the unique experience of merging two cultures, Taiwanese and American, which sometimes complements and sometimes contradicts each other.  There is courage, insanity and passion combined with Taiwanese lyricism and nostalgia. There is chaos and peace, questions and statements, powerful, delicate, and most of all, the in-depth search for the bigger meaning and truth.” Richie Goods is the producer for this record, he also arranged “Invitation”, “Blue in Green” and “The Path”.

我從小在台灣長大,一直以來都是演奏古典音樂以及當代打擊樂作品。我在大學和研究所期間,都在鑽研如何把原創者的作品詮釋得淋漓盡致,鞭策自己的演奏能力到極限!我在台灣期間曾為朱宗慶打擊樂團的團員,隨團我在台灣、亞洲各地巡迴演出。團裡演出的內容時常結合京劇鑼鼓、台灣本土元素的音樂以及舞蹈,這些都讓我體會到自身文化下音樂的能量。2015年我來到美國費城,費城為爵士樂重鎮,許多知名的爵士樂手都出於此地,我在當地爵士酒吧與費城本土樂手互相切磋,每天把自己浸淫在爵士樂最真的語彙之中。此張專輯《行》便是集結一路走來所學,體驗過美國與台灣文化之經驗,將此個人經歷譜寫成曲,例如專輯中主打創作曲《行》(The Path)我寫了四台木琴作為序奏,和聲上運用到五聲音階聲響,製造傳統歌謠的聲響色彩。在錄音室,我單獨演奏每個聲部,最後把四個軌道放在一起,變成木琴四重奏,加上大鼓以及鐵琴拉功技法來拓增聲響,使我一人演奏聽起來是整個打擊樂團,序奏拉開後,鋼琴、低音提琴、鼓的加入,讓原本五聲音階氛圍,再也不侷限古典音樂聲響,而是邁入多樂器間不斷溝通對話,碰撞出火花和藉由曲中即興片段展現當下的創造力。

Now, I need your help to complete the production for this album. I’ve recorded all the music so the funds I raise will be used for the mixing, mastering of the recording, the artwork, CD printing, cover song licensing. And I am also going to produce videos for this music. If I get extra money, it will be used for touring with my band. Here's just the most essential parts of what our price breakdown looks like:


  • Cover Song licensing(版權費): $1,000
  • Studios & instrument rental(錄音室及樂器租借): $3,100
  • Artwork and graphic motion(專輯封面設計費及音樂影像製作費): $3,000
  • Videographer(攝影師費用): 1,000
  • Mastering(混音): $1,000
  • PR(宣傳費): 2,100
  • CD printing(專輯印製費): $1,500

It is also my pleasure to finally announce the track list for the album! You can expect to see:


  • We Live in Brooklyn Baby (布魯克林之夢)
  • Invitation (邀請函)
  • Blind Faith(盲目信仰)
  • The Path Interlude 1(行一)
  • Blossom in a Stormy Night (雨夜花)
  • Blue in Green (綠中藍)
  • The Path Interlude 2 (行二)
  • The Imaginary Enemy (假想敵)
  • Tears in Love (愛中淚)
  • The Path Interlude 3 (行三)
  • The Path (行)
  • Mo’ Betta Blues (愛情至上)

I appreciate every bit that you all contribute to me very much. I am not just talking about funding, either. I understand that the world's current situation is hitting everyone hard right now, so if you still would like to help, the best thing you could do is to tell your friends about what I am doing! If you love good music, you can help me out massively by sharing this campaign with people you know. Thank you so much, everybody.



Mixing & Mastering by Dave Darlington

Video by Stephen Pyo

Photo by Tracy yang, Po Yao Shih

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Choose your Perk

Join My Party

$1 USD
Special mention on my social media pages. $1美金。將你的名字列在我的FB/IG專輯感謝名單中。 送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Special mention on my IG/FB
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
4 claimed

Digital Album

$15 USD
Receive a digital copy of ‘The Path’ album in your email before it is officially released! $15美金。你將會在專輯《行》發行前,收到數位檔案。送達日期:九月一號
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Special mention on my IG/FB
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
71 claimed

Signed Physical CD!

$25 USD
Received a signed physical copy of ‘The Path’ album as well as a digital copy. $25美金。你將會在專輯《行》發行前,收到數位檔案以及實體簽名專輯。 送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
80 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bonus Track and Footage!

$50 USD
Exclusive Bonus Track, behind the Scenes footage, Signed Physical CD & digital album! $50美金。除了實體、數位專輯外,你還會收到幕後花絮講述專輯製作過程,以及專輯以外的一首特別單曲。 送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
25 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Special Mention & more!

$100 USD
Special Mention in album notes, Exclusive bonus track, Behind the scenes footage, Signed Physical CD & digital album! 列入專輯感謝名單 ! $100美金 除了會收到以上所有項目以外,你的名字也會被列在我的專輯感謝名單中。 項目: • 專輯數位檔 • 實體簽名專輯 • 幕後花絮 • 特別單曲 • 列入專輯感謝名單 送達日期: 九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
28 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Vibes Lesson or a RW session

$250 USD
1 Online Vibraphone Lesson, a red wine online meeting, Behind the Scenes Footage, Special Mention in album notes, Exclusive Bonus Track, Signed Physical CD & digital copy of the album! $250美金。除了會收到以上所有項目以外,一堂鐵琴課 或 一個紅酒線上聚聚聽音樂。 項目:專輯數位檔、實體簽名專輯、幕後花絮、特別單曲、列入專輯感謝名單、一堂鐵琴課或一次紅酒線上聚聚聽音樂。送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
  • One Lesson or Red Wine Hang
  • Special mention on my IG/FB
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

More Lessons & More Hangs!!

$500 USD
2 Online Vibraphone Lesson or 2 red wine online listening sessions, Behind the Scenes Footage, Special Mention in album notes, Exclusive Bonus Track, Signed Physical CD & digital copy of the album! $500美金。 除了會收到以上所有項目以外,二堂鐵琴課 或 兩次紅酒線上聚聚聽音樂。 項目:專輯數位檔、實體簽名專輯、幕後花絮、特別單曲、列入專輯感謝名單、兩堂鐵琴課或兩次紅酒線上聚聚聽音樂 。送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
  • One Lesson or Red Wine Hang
  • Special mention on my IG/FB
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Composition Commission & more!

$1,000 USD
By pledging $1000, you'll get everything in the perk mentioned above, plus a commissioned composition. $1000美金。除了會收到以上所有項目以外,我會寫一首曲子給你,細節內容我們可以一起討論。 項目:專輯數位檔、實體簽名專輯、幕後花絮、特別單曲、列入專輯感謝名單、兩堂鐵琴課 或 兩次紅酒線上聚聚聽音樂、一首委託創作曲。送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
  • One Lesson or Red Wine Hang
  • Composition commission
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Executive Producer & more!

$2,500 USD
If you pledge $2500 to the project, you'll get everything from the tier mentioned above with executive producer credit on the record. $2500美金。除了會收到以上所有項目以外,您會成為本專輯的執行製作人,名字也將出現在專輯中。 項目:以上出現過的所有項目、專輯的執行製作人。送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
  • One Lesson or Red Wine Hang (2)
  • Composition commission
  • Special mention on my IG/FB
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 claimed

Free Show!

$5,000 USD
If you pledge $5000 to the project, you'll get everything from the tier mentioned above with a free concert. The pledge only covers the performance fee. Extra factors (traveling, lodging, etc.) shall be discussed between the band and the client. $5000美金。除了會收到以上所有項目以外,我會提供一場免費音樂會(機票食宿不含,細節要另外商討)。 項目:以上出現過的所有項目、一場演出。送達日期:九月
Included Items
  • Digital Copy of ‘The Path’
  • Signed Physical CD
  • Exclusive Bonus Track
  • Behind the Scenes Footage
  • Special Mention!
  • One Lesson or Red Wine Hang
  • Composition commission
  • Free Show
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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