Active Heroes is a 501c3 charity
Active Heroes is a top rated charity and has helped over 8000 veterans at the first Community Center located in Louisville Kentucky. The community center serves these veterans with amazing activities, treatments and events designed to reduce post traumatic stress in an effort to reduce veteran suicide. Below are some of the great programs:
- Acupuncture treatments and massage
- Music lessons
- Seminars
- Family events
- Job Listings
- Resources supporting all needs
To open a new Community Center, we need to raise $125,000
Our goal is to raise $125,000 that will go into securing a location, purchasing equipment and starting programs to serve veterans in the winning state location. We need to fund these items:
- Fund location - Need at least 3000 square feet of space
- Pay for the massage/acupuncture beds and fund these programs
- Purchase signs and material wall mounts
- Fund computer and security systems
- Hire event coordinator
The Impact
Your donation makes a huge difference! We have averaged 4000 veterans receiving services a year at our current community center location. These veterans love the programs and keep coming back to build camaraderie and help them reintegrate after service.
"I was in pain constantly and was using medication all day," said US Army Veteran Travis Prather. "After getting acupuncture and massage treatments at the Active Heroes Community center, I was released of my neck pain. I loved the team of military families that I could talk to at the center and signed my family up for the Christmas party."
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people can't contribute, but you can still volunteer to host smaller events in your local community by signing up to become a team leader or volunteer at our current locations. Learn more about volunteer opportunities here: