Hi! I'm Christopher Marcus, a singer-song writer living in Amherst Massachusetts. I play a variety of instruments including guitar, piano, bass guitar and drums and I'm very passionate about music. I'd love to compose choral music and movie scores someday but I've got to start somewhere!
I'm heavily influenced by and/or inspired by a variety of artists including Muse, the Dear Hunter, Emery, Margot & The Nuclear So and So's, Radio Head, Bayside, Pendulum, Queen, Protest the hero, Between the Buried and Me, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yoko Shimamura, Bach, Alexandre Guilmant, Shostakovich, John Williams, and lots more.
About this project -
I've been writing music for about 7 years and have yet to make an album! I've written a wide variety of different types of music over the years and it would mean the world to me to finally share it.
The album is so far unnamed and will have 13 songs. It tells a story about love, loss, moving backwards and forwards through grief and attempting to grow through adversity and enjoy the potential of an exciting future.
In helping me fund this project you'll be making it possible for me to hire professional string and woodwind players to play my compositions, and to spend time in a professional studio recording my songs, and mixing/mastering the album so I can turn my rough compositions into finished products that sound pretty!
Where is the money going?
In order to make this happen I'll need this funding for a variety of things including
- Working with a variety of musicians including guest singers, string and woodwind players
- Recording, Mixing Mastering at Northfire Studio,
- Distributing the album when its finished, and making it look pretty as well
What makes the album special?
I've got a variety of different types of songs on this album with different styles that are a little bit difficult to define with a genre. The best I can do is say that there's music inspired by classical, jazz, rock, folk, indie, and video game/movie scores.
I'll be playing acoustic and electric guitar, electric bass, ukulele, piano, bells, harp, and drums, and there will be other musicians playing guitar, classical bass, cello, viola, violin, oboe and flute.
Writing these songs has been a great way to move through struggles with mental health, death and grief, and the processes of self discovery and reflection, excitement, forgiveness and moving on.
How else can you help if you can't contribute?
Just spread the word and wish me luck! It's going to be a lot of work but I'm so excited to make this happen!