A group of scientists give hunt to an anthropomorphic virus, that mutated and escaped from one of their bold experiments. Aided by an array of exotic and lethal beings the clock is ticking not only for the geneticists, but as the virus becomes ever more powerful, for the whole of Mankind.
But there's much more behind all this. It's no mere cat & mouse chase.
The action is relentless. The fun unparalleled. The drama with twists and turns you'll never see coming.
Characters you will love.
A story you'll never forget!
CHROMOSOME 96 is a comic. A mini-series of six issues. The sci-fi movies of the 50's and pulp comix from the 60's have inspired this narrative. There's the brainy scientists, each with a particular agenda. The army, with their constant internal battles. And cannon fodder warrior creatures that pack a lot of heat and might surprise you as to what they actually are and do.
This campaign goes straight to the point: it offers the first 3 issues, in full colors with premium paper and print quality.
All together you get 75 pages of adventure. Bagged and back boarded.
There will also be a fun sticker sheet, amazing bookmarks and 3 beautiful prints from covers art.
To make it simple there's only one perk.
The books are pratically finished and copies will print in January 2020, to be shipped and arrive at your home by February.
My name is Miguel Ferreira. Also known as Lewis Michael. I've been working in indie comics for almost three decades. Writting, creating the art, and self-publishing. Maybe you had a chance to check out some of my previous work (if you were an avid reader of ashcans and fanzines back in the 90's) in titles such as El Chupa-Cabras and Tough Guys. I've remained fiercely independent throughout, with my books reflecting that. No editorial/corporate control of any kind.
With CHROMOSOME 96 I really wanted to go all out and bring you a homage to the world of comics itself. Each issue stands on its own, with its own pacing, stylistic approach, plus remarkable contributions of top colorist talent such as Ross A Campbell (Pathfinder, Jirni), Ander Zarate (Transformers, JLA) and Lielz Buenaventura (Grimm's Fairy Tales, Stabbity Bunny). While I wrote the story and did the lines.
For these first 3 issues all art is finished and we are in the last stages of colors and lettering. After that is straigh to print. No major delays are expected.
I'm sure you'll go crazy about this saga and surely come back for the second part of the series, with the next 3 issues. Sometime in a not-so-far future.
Your support means everything. This book will only be in print if youself, and others like you, dig what you see. And when you support this campaign you wont be doing it just for me. You'll be helping all independent creators, that plow through in sweat and blood, everyday and every night, free from the shackles of overbearing brands with indoctrinating agendas.
So have at it! One perk only. Three books and some goodies to go with them. Worldwide delivery.
Thanks for your time!