Rendering of our future Makerspace
What is Maker-to-Maker?
Because Typhoon Haiyan left many Taclobanis with no livelihood, there is a
particular need for an influx of new, employable skills. At the same time, all around the world, there
are many skilled, creative, committed "Makers" who have the heart and desire to reach out and help
those impacted by this disaster. Our Maker-to-Maker program will bring these motivated communities
Makers who are interested in creating, learning, teaching and building will be matched with individuals in Tacloban as they choose a path to explore. These Makers will be a valuable resource and together, they will create nurturing, long distance partnerships. Our Maker-to-Maker program will build bridges between communities around the world, all working together and learning from one another.
Rendering of our future Training Center
Why do we want to build a Resource Center?
Typhoon Haiyan damaged more than 1 million houses, thousands of local business, affected 16 million people and the livelihood of over 4 million workers. Although the Philippines is slowly recovering, many Filipinos are still struggling to rebuild their houses and businesses. Since our early days here in Tacloban, we have met many community members with wonderful, inspiring ideas and talents but because they lack the space, tools, training, resources and other support, they have no ability to realize them. The Resource Center will provide a place where people with ideas can gather and find support for their projects. It is our goal to give anyone in the community the resources they need and to connect them with various networks to help them establish or expand their business or to rebuild or renew their home or property.
Rendering of our future Computer and Innovation Lab
Where does my contribution go?
In order to make
this project possible we have set our goal at $35,000. Everything raised above our initial $35,000 goal will be
used to buy more materials and start new projects, which will allow more community members to use our space.
All money raised will go towards our Resource Center project (after paying IndieGoGo commission and costs related to delivering your perks!). Omprakash is our donation partner. Because Omprakash processes all of our tax-deductible donations, the receipt for your donation will come directly from Omprakash.*
Apart from our infinite gratitude, we will reward you with the incredible perks listed in the box to the right!
If you contribute today, you'll help to:
the first Makerspace in the Philippines.
the local community with the resources needed to repair and rebuild their homes,
businesses and other assets lost or damaged by Haiyan.
- Create new businesses and jobs.
- Provide workspace, tools and resources for people to realize their dreams.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute money today, it doesn't mean you can't help. You can help us by:
And that's
all there is to it. We look forward to your active participation in Philippines Communitere and to the bright future of our community in Tacloban.
*For more information about our donation partner, please visit Omprakash.