Community Development Network - Cameroon
Community Development Network - Cameroon
Community Development Network - Cameroon
Community Development Network - Cameroon
Community Development Network - Cameroon
This campaign is closed
Community Development Network - Cameroon
Community Development Network mobilizes and enhances the capacities and life standards of the needy communities in Cameroon whilst holding absolute hope to change lives through a participatory and sustainable manner, promote human development, and tackle poverty through advocacy and service delivery at the community, local and national levels.
Your donation helps ensure quality educaiton and economic support for Cameroon's most needy youth.
Here are some initiatives which could be reaching their full potential with your donation:
In our Menstrual Hygiene project, we are educating girls about menstruation and providing sanitary pads. We hope to raise more money so that we can continue giving girls access to quality menstrual hygiene .
We are planning a project to provide youths education and access in Information and Communication Technology. We are trying to raise funds to procure and ship computers to Cameroon as well as cover the costs of traveling to communities to hold ICT training sessions.
We are currently a registered non-profit in Cameroon, and we are hoping to also become a registered 501c3 organization in the United States. This will allow us to partner with American non-profits like the Christina Foundation, and also allow us to receive tax-deductible donations from American donors. Your donation will help us cover the $400 fee to become a 501c3 organization.
For more information about what we're doing and how you can help, sign up to our email list: