Inserting the Andean Condor in its original habitat in central South America. Agricultural and livestock educate people about the importance of sustaining this new population.
- Generate a sustainable space for species and biodiversity that contributes to economic activities.
Because Donate?
The Andean Condor is in serious danger of extinction. Whole populations have disappeared. In the center of Argentina, in South America, specifically in the province of Cordoba, its habitat has been greatly reduced.
Erroneously for years, farmers and ranchers fought this animal considering it a threat to their livestock. Today it was found that their presence is vital for biological control because it feeds on the main carriers of the virus Anta rodents and other animals that damage crops.
Our Idea
First Stage:
Acquiring a field in Villa Berna, Córdoba, Argentina, to build a breeding farm and insertion of CONDOR in the Calamuchita valley at the foot of the hill Champaqui, the highest of the shut Cordoba.
The center will have a set of incubators for breeding and feeding puppets of the hatchlings (no contact with man).
A school to chat and information about the importance of the Condor open to the community and educational institutions.
Second stage:
Visitor accommodation complex where you can stay and share a few days in contact with nature and mission of the center, participate in the daily activities of complex upbringings and trained in the tasks.
the rewards