We start with converting manure of pigs to algae. Annually billions of kg are produced, which causes a lot of environmental problems because of the minerals in the manure. It also costs farmers a lot of money to get rid of the manure. One thing is that de manure causes problems in water, lakes etc because of too much growth of algae, killing fish life and effecting plantlife at the borders of the lakes and rivers. We use this growth to our advantage (if you cann't beat them, join them)..We grow algae on the manure, harvest the algae and sell the algae to bio-ethanol companies. So we reduce the mineral load of the environment AND help the farmers. We cooperate with a pigfarmer. We must establish the best species of algae to do the job and we need more equipment to do that, f.i. to measure oxygen and salts, to harvest the algae and to dry them. Help Nature, help the farmers, together we can make the world better! We are going to use the money in buying equipment, such as electrodes for measuring the growth of the algae, oxygen and salts, we need to develop a harvesting machine for the algae and to collect the most usefull strains of algae, buying them from university-institutes and collecting them from eutrophic lakes and ditches and we need to rebuild the manurecollecters of the farmer. We are not paying ourselves from this money, just making the circumstances right. This technique is of importance to economy as well as ecology, It is of importance to men as well as animals and plants