The Corporate Rebels story
We believe the way most organizations are run is outdated. The result: 87% of employees is disengaged, which means they spend their time on work that doesn't make them happy. As Corporate Rebels, we are on a mission to change this. Our mission is to make work more inspiring and fun.
We do this by learning from pioneers in the field of employee happiness - from entrepreneurs that have built happy workplaces to authors that write about them and professors that study the field. Check out our Bucket List full of inspirational people here. By sharing their unique stories we inspire organizations and employees that work could (and should!) be a lot more inspiring than it currently is.
In January 2016 we started our search. We have quit our jobs out of a combination of frustration and inspiration. Frustration from our first 2.5 years of working in the corporate world. Inspiration from the stories of organizations that show there is another, more positive way.
Why Crowdfunding?
Since we started our search, the story has gained considerable interest. A lot of people feel that a change is needed and they are both happy and surprised to see there are solutions out there. Newspapers, magazines, organizations, and the people around us are interested in the subject and are really keen to hear more about it.
This momentum is something we want to build upon. We want to use it to move our search for happiness at work to the next stage. In order to do this, we decided to start this crowdfunding campaign. With this campaign, we invite everyone, from employees to employers, to contribute to our mission.
The additional funding would give us an extra boost, shifting Corporate Rebels into the next gear.
What will the money be used for?
All the funding we receive from this crowdfunding campaign will be used to further fuel our mission. At this moment, we finance everything ourselves with our personal savings.
We believe in happiness at work, and we believe that passion, hard work, and perseverance will lead to amazing things.
Luckily, there are like-minded people. They join forces and donate valuable time, energy and expertise to support our cause.
This combination of personal savings, time and effort, allows us to do the following:
What we already do:
- Visiting happy workplaces and meeting the Bucket List pioneers
- Sharing the unique stories to inspire change
- Share the learnings through blog posts and talks
- Convincing the world that the way we work has to change
- All of this freely available in the public domain
The additional funding raised with this campaign allows us to use our momentum to help Corporate Rebels to the next stage. It allows us to add more activities and increase our impact.
What else we want to do:
Expand the Bucket List. Additional funding allows the Bucket List to expand. In this way, your can learn from more inspiring pioneers and their unique stories of radically different workplaces.
Remain independent. We believe in sharing an independent story; objective, unbiased, and honest. With funding, Corporate Rebels can be more selective with sponsorship, forming links only with organizations that share our mission. By remaining impartial we can provide you with real and honest information.
Organize meetups and events. Additional funding allows us to organize quarterly meetups and additional events with all those interested. During these meetups, you are invited to share your insights and views while we share our latest inspiration face-to-face. You'll be able to meet like-minded people and further strengthen the movement.