Short Summary
Create is a community organization creating opportunities for expression, enjoyment and appreciation of the arts and humanities through individual and community participation. Our vision is to create a dynamic community in which the energy of the arts promotes a quality of life rich in color, texture and depth. Create has classes and events for all ages, but childrens' education is the heart of Create.
At Create we encourage individual and community development in every form of the arts. From painting, drawing, sewing, dancing, photography, singing, acting, weaving, or any other "art," it can be found at Create. We support aspiring, novice, beginner, intermediate, advanced, or professional artists, and encourage every level to participate and develop the inner artist found in all of us.
What We Need & What You Get
Create has been in constant operation for over 20 years. Because we live in a depressed area, raising local money to fund our operation has become a challenge. We own our building and property, but operating costs and programs exceed our ability to keep it constantly funded. It is our goal to provide a facility to encourage our adults and our youth to participate in the arts and learn to express themselves through art.
- For every $100 dollars donated, we will mail the donor a "fused glass" Christmas Ornament.
- For every $200 dollars donated, we will send you five 2013 Capitol Christmas Tree Cards with a photo of the tree before it was cut. (It grew in our area.) In addition, we will send one Capitol Christmas Tree Commemorative Ornament.
If we don't reach our entire goal, any funds that are donated will help to keep Create alive and functioning. Every little bit helps!
The Impact
An example of Create's impact on our local community is our recent moccasin class. 24 people attended the class, including a father with a developmentally delayed teenage son, a grandmother with two grandchildren, a mother with four teenage girls, a set of parents with two teenage boys. Attendees learned how to create their own moccasins from leather. The experience was so positive that the local elementary school asked us to repeat the class for 75 third graders.
Because the cost of leather would have been cost prohibitive, we used upholstery material. One third grade boy had never seen a needle before this class, let alone having ever sewn anything.
Because it was National American Indian History month, the Kalispel Tribe of Indians put on an assembly for the children where the children listened to drumming and learned to dance and show off their moccasins. The children learned about local history, along with learning a skill.
Other Ways You Can Help
We recognize that not everyone can donate. But everyone can help pass the word. Please let others know about our needs. Talk to your firiends and relatives. We will appreciate it. And dont forget to use Indiegogo share tools.