Story ~ Invitation ~ Participation and Support
We are a dedicated team of 11 seasoned
hosts and facilitators from the US and Europe
- holding a wide range of experience and skill. We believe it is
right timing to step into new patterns of being human together, with clarity and
intention. [The Team]
Collective Healing is the work, and it's
needed everywhere.
Our inquiry began in 2012 and has embodied collective healing every step of the way. We’ve been practicing and developing competencies to support healing at a collective level, discovering how to heal the same patterns in ourselves too. Now, we are inviting others to join us in bringing these practices into the world to generate wider circles of impact.
We seek to work at the root-level of age-old patterns and today’s most entrenched challenges - such as racism, inequality, immigration, and more - to allow the necessary healing to embolden our shared creativity, resilience, and ongoing efforts for a wiser future.
This is an evolutionary opportunity!
This work is leverage for healing our collective past and creating new possibilities for the future, unleashing potential ... creating a new story!
We have nurtured this healing seed until now, offering our skills, time, care, resources, and attention ... and know that, in order for this seed to emerge, grow, be sustainable, and thrive ... additional resources and widening participation are needed. This is our invitation to you now.
Our step now is inviting you to support this work with resources and gather with us – both online and in person – to prototype a process that builds a community’s capacity to work with historic traumas. Our team has experience with a wealth of practices that enable deep-rooted issues to be tended, and wherever possible, healed. We see the potential of weaving together these powerful practices to create group experiences that foster belonging and invite post-traumatic growth.
We are calling for participation and resourcing to support the development and practice of collective healing, inspired by these questions: How can we create safe, generative healing spaces that empower groups and communities to access healing shifts ... and allow life and love to be restored? How can communities address these unhealed collective conflicts and traumas in ways that propel us to higher levels of connection, creativity, collaboration and resilience?
On August 18-21, we call the first in-person gathering, taking place in Florida. We
invite your participation and support. We intend to keep opening the space wider for collective
healing and a wiser future to emerge. Already, there are plans to host future gatherings in New England, Minnesota and Europe.
At the first gathering, in Florida, you will:
• Experience a rich combination of ways to
approach collective healing that you can integrate into your work and life
• Deepen your skills in using empathic ways of
knowing to understand the historical patterns that affect a situation
• Experience shifts in releasing stuck patterns
and insights into healthy pathways forward
• Discover the creative impulse that arises out
of the experience of sustained collective presence and witnessing
• Connect, learn together, build friendships, or even create initiatives with others who are drawn to explore collective healing practices
Insights and learning will be shared widely beyond this event. The aspiration is that experiences and connections among participants will seed a community of practice and new collaborations. To learn more, to register, and to sign up for our newsletter, visit:
The team developing this initiative has invested our own time and resources to bring it to this point. To enable this work to gain traction, it is time to energize the strong support and participation of all those yearning for discovery of new paths for collective healing.
Your participation and support - including financial - will enable the work to develop and be of service in places where collective healing is so needed. It will also help create an on-line space to connect a global community of collective healing, providing a space for those doing this important work, where trauma and division exist, to keep coming together, sharing stories and best practices.
We seek to raise $30,000 to provide a healthy flow of resources to support this promising work. This will:
- Sustain support for the first prototype Collective Healing gathering in Florida in August, 2016, including venue rental, scholarships for participants and travel expenses for the hosting team
- Enable us to host several virtual conversations via global calls for dialogue about collective healing
- Document the process and learning from the Florida event and widely share it to advance the field
- Seed the next steps of the work, including plans for other gatherings, continue evolving the website, wisdom-sharing, and community-building through on-line, multi-media platforms
Perks, Rewards and Participation Levels
In our society, money is a source of deep wounding in need of
collective healing. We have touched this wound repeatedly in our work
together and we sense the opportunity to live in a different relationship to
money. This crowd-funding request is one place for us to learn and truly practice this.
This request is actually an invitation into participation - whether you join us in the August or not. We invite
all who are drawn to join us in exploring and designing new ways to cultivate
collective healing and regenerative approaches. We trust that everyone will find their place and level of
participation. For some, it could be participating or hosting of future
events while for others it may be simply supporting the process emotionally or financially from a distance. Similarly, we know that people have different abilities
to contribute financially and we honor the spirit of every gift without regard
to the amount. Some participants will need financial help to be able to
attend the event. Others may be able to contribute generously while not
able to attend this first event. Some may contribute a small amount while
others might offer hundreds or thousands of dollars. All levels of
participation are welcome and gratefully accepted.
This invitation into participation is non-transactional and the notion
of giving rewards or perks of greater value for higher levels of financial
contribution is not consistent with our longing to experience money as an
aspect of exchange, sharing and building relationships. We value all
forms of participation and contribution including financial.
We are excited to share these gifts (in place of rewards or perks) with anyone who wishes to
participate without tying the gifts to levels of financial contribution:
Our heartfelt gratitude
A compilation of poetry,
quotes, resources, and links from the three-year dialogue on collective healing
to date (sent shortly)
A harvest document from
the August event containing learnings, questions, poetry and more (sent after the event)
Access to this growing
community of practice, including a Facebook community
Invitation to
participate in two hosted virtual conversations on topics of collective
we will seek to find additional ways to express the spirit of gratitude, generosity and additional opportunities for participation.
Other Ways You Can Help
Your participation is an impactful gift, like tipping the scales in generative ways that will support this work to happen. It will continue to catalyze our efforts and add to the call of Creating Collective Healing Spaces.
So, please share this link, tell your friends, invite, contribute, participate!!
Join us! Help this seed take root and grow!
With love and gratitude,
Judy, Analesa, Beth, Ria, Steve, Sarah, Holly, Luea, Madeleine, Katie, and Tenneson with Kamyar Houbakht our video artist.