Short Summary
For the past couple months people have asked how they can get involved and help with the work Etter Consulting has been doing the families adopting and this is your chance! Through this crowdfunding campaign you can donate and or buy Etter Consulting apparel that helps us raise money to reach these three goals:
● Bring more adoptee focused events to Lancaster
● Get “When Your Family Doesn’t Look Like You” into potential Publishers hands
● Help us get an official promo video made
Why These Goals?
Bring more adoptee focused events to Lancaster.
Lancaster County has a large number of adoptees especially transracial adoptees, we hope to bring events that center around the adoptee experience. These event will also be educational for adoptive parents and parents considering adoption.
Get “When Your Family Doesn’t Look Like You” into potential Publishers hands
As many know founder of Etter Consulting, Isaac Etter, is writing a book on transracial adoption and his experience as a transracial adoptee. This campaign help us get his book into the hands of potential l publishers who could get the book into bookstores everywhere.
Help Etter Consulting get an official promo video made.
In the past couple weeks Etter Consulting has been asked to present at multiple conferences and adoption agencies on transracial adoption and our work in family preparation for transracial adoption. We beleive an official promo video will help us market our services to families, conferences, adoption agencies, and colleges.
The Impact
Over the last 9 months Etter Consulting has had the opportunity to share at several adoption agencies, work with many families, and even at present at Millersville University. Here are what some of the people have to say about their experience with Etter Consulting.
"Isaac Etter is well versed and articulate on the subject matter of transracial adoption. Through his firsthand experience as a black child raised in a white family, Isaac is able to share his journey in a honest, direct and respectful manner. He speaks frankly about the identity issues with which many transracially adopted children struggle. Isaac also brings insight and a thoughtful perspective on a range of related transracial adoption issues."
— Mark Unger, Regional Director- Bethany Christian Services
"We had the privilege of meeting Isaac during our foster care training with Bethany Christian Services. He shared his own adoption story with such transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability that made him immediately relatable. His openness to sharing his knowledge, wisdom, and life experience on the topic of transracial adoption makes him a great resource. He is incredibly helpful!"
— McClymont Family
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute money here are some other ways you can help:
- Share this crowdfunding campaign with your friends!
- Tell your friends who have adopted or are thinking about adopting about Etter Consulting.
- Tell your friends and colleagues about the work Etter consulting is doing with adopting families.
Thank you!