Short Summary
Cryptocat is a web application that aims to provide an open source, browser-based communication environment with security that is comparable to desktop-based encrypted chat applications. Cryptocat aims to leverage both the ease of use and accessibility afforded by web applications and the security provided by client-side public key cryptosystems.
Cryptocat is a viable alternative to invasive chat services such as Facebook Chat and Google Talk that offers strong encryption and privacy while remaining just as easy to use. Journalists, activists and human rights workers alike benefit from Cryptocat's development. Today, Cryptocat handles more than 2,000 conversations weekly and has been featured in Business Insider as "one of the best apps for Google Chrome," in Lifehacker as "one of the most under-hyped Web Apps of 2011," in Netted by the Webbys as "a stylish and secure way to chat online," and in Forbes Magazine. A December 2011 survey concluded that 93% of participants are satisfied with Cryptocat's overall performance.
Here are some of Cryptocat's features:
- A client-side Elliptic Curve public key agreement engine.
- A client-side AES-256 implementation is used to encrypt data.
- HMAC message integrity verification.
- Send encrypted .zip files and images.
- Includes a mobile website compatible with iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.
- Chats are securely deleted after one hour of inactivity.
- Easily invite your Facebook contacts to join your Cryptocat session.
- Send private messages that can only be seen by a single recipient.
- A sleek design with time-stamping, optional audio notifications, fluid-window mode, and mobile support.
- Translations available for French, Catalan, Basque, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish.
Plans for the Future
We've been providing an open source web platform for encrypted communication since 2011. Help Cryptocat grow by funding future development: a stronger project initiative including native mobile applications, embedded mini-servers and training.