We are a company dedicated to giving people just that little bit of comfort in their time of need.
We all know someone or have ourselves been in a hospital environment or are unwell when all you want is a cozy pair of socks, something to do and the comforts of home.
We think its very important to give people this comfort. Hospitals and sickness can be such a trying time and an exhausting experience. It can never hurt to boost the morale of those in that position.
The Origin Story
We started this company for one reason, but that one reason stemmed from two different experiences that were happening simultaneously.
We decided to write down our experiences and share them with you to better help you understand why we're doing what we're doing and why we're so passionate about it.
"Several months ago, I found out my cousin was diagnosed with cancer and would be going into surgery. As I am a single parent and my boyfriend Rick was back in England caring for his father, there was no way for me to go and visit her.
At the same time, Rick's father was told he may have to go back into the hospital for a biopsy on his lung. Since I couldn't see either of them, I decided to go online and see if I could find a useful care package as I've had more than my fair share of surgeries and hospital stays where I just sat there miserable and sometimes alone. Losing track of time and self. Trying to wrap your gown around yourself so you aren't exposed or wishing you had better chap stick or a good toothbrush or just something to pass the time.
What I saw online shocked me. Nothing in the way of real useful care packages. There was a lot of cookies, teddy bears and get well balloons. While those are all sweet, it just wasn't fitting for what people really need. I called several friends and family in disbelief that something like this didn't really exist. I found a few cancer specific ones with inspirational quotes on everything but nothing just for general self care in a hospital or at home sick or recovery.
I couldn't sleep. After this idea being stuck in my brain for days, I called Rick and asked if this is what I should be doing. It was my "a ha" moment. This was what I was meant to do. After reaching out to friends and family in the medical industry as well as people who have had long stays in hospitals, we took the next several months to source, test, and curate what we believe to be the essentials for anyone who is in this kind of situation."
"My Father fell ill when I was in another country, contracting pneumonia, 6000 miles away and there was nothing I could do, I was worried to say the least, I was visiting my girlfriend Ashley at the time and we came up with the idea of trying to find him a box of stuff to do and comfortable clothing to wear to make his stay easier.
To our surprise there was nothing online that resembled that at all, the closest being a pair of socks, that was it, you cant send them food because they're on a diet provided by the nurses, so what are you to do?
It was a while before I could fly back and see him, luckily my sister was there to help him and visit him.
When I finally was able to see him in hospital I was appalled, he was just sat in a chair with nothing to do, disheveled, unkempt and looking as if he'd lost the will to live.
Seeing your father shut down and stare off into the distance because he has absolutely nothing to do but ruminate on whether he's going to die, struggling to breathe is not how it should be.
Even after he had gotten out of the hospital and came home he was so exhausted and still in fear for his life that he was basically chair bound, getting up to use the bathroom left him breathless and I could see the defeat in his eyes, slowly accepting that he was falling apart and was going to die.
Luckily that wasn't true, he recovered completely, but I would have loved nothing more than to be able to send him a box of gifts, letting him know he isn't alone, providing him with comfort and a little peace of mind."
The Plan
If we secure the funds to do so we will fully actualize our idea, to be able to purchase all the items we will include in our care crates, as well as packaging, labels, a building or warehouse and rolling out our line of crates as soon as possible.
In the future we will expand our range of crates to include, kids care crates, cold and flu crates, gaming crates, movie crates and many more.
When we reach a point of financial stability we plan on giving back to charities, hospitals and assisted living homes as much as possible, donating crates to those who really need them.
If you pledge a certain amount you will receive one of our boxes early, starting with The Activity Crate for $30
The higher the amount you pledge the larger the box you will receive which include some of our higher value items and even the chance to name and create your own crate to introduce to our product line.
When you receive these boxes we would love some of your feedback and how we can improve to help people in need comfort.
Our logo was created by Courtney Murphy. You can reach her at courtneyvicmurphy@gmail.com
Risks and Challenges
Starting any new business is fraught with risks and challenges, wondering and hoping whether you'll get it off the ground or not, whether it'll be received well and whether you can handle the volume of orders should it get popular, but this is it for us.
This is a hard topic for me to write about. I'm not usually the one to openly talk about life's challenges because who doesn't have hardships? But this company really did grow from the challenges of life.
I'm a Mom with an autistic 14 year old daughter and a 9 year old son with ADHD and a speech impediment. All their lives I've been able to be there for them whenever they needed me and above all else I cant let that change.
Starting my own business is about as risky as it gets. My family is on the line. But we are all so passionate about this. Knowing we could help people as well as making sure I always have a place for my kids to work and grow if they so choose. Especially my daughter. Giving her the opportunity to thrive in a work place and have independence as she gets older while still being able to be there for her is my ultimate dream. Where it gets really tough is that we are starting with nothing. This is 100% a from the ground up business.
We are fully ready to meet these challenges, with your help.