Album Fundraising Recap and GOOD NEWS: We're Funded!
We're happy to announce that we have Completed Our Funding Goal through a very generous offer by Austin based music store, Hill Country Guitars, who contributed a large expense by donating studio time. Here's a nifty graph showing contributions from fans through IndieGOGO, StageIt show fundraiser, Cash donations, and Studio Donation.
We set a goal of 25,000 to record, manufacture, distribute and promote the album of our dreams. Our budget was set to include:
recording - studio time, mixing time, mastering engineer,
manufacturing - physical CD's made and vinyl!
distribution - hiring a distributor will allow us to share our Album all over the country, in brick and mortar, online stores and available for download everywhere.
promotion - with the help of a hired publicist we'll be able to send the new release to publications, blogs, TV AND a radio promoter will help to send our album to stations across the US.
Thank you for your generous support of our goal. Because of your donation we're this much closer to recording the album of our dreams and we can't wait to share it with you.
Live Web-stream From Hill Country Guitars!
Next Tuesday (May 13th at 8PM CDT), tune into and watch a live web-stream of us performing at Hill Country Guitars in Austin.
with love and appreciation
Miranda Dawn and Chris Hawkes
Our Story:
We're Miranda Dawn and Chris Hawkes (Dawn & Hawkes) the "Passionate Indi-Folk, Americana Duo" from Austin Texas. We're hoping to make an album worthy of the great fans and supporters we have already met and help it be heard far and wide.
We met while dancing to a Blues band one night and, as luck would have it, we both happened to be independent singer-songwriters. When we put our songs, guitars, and voices together it all fell into perfect harmony as we were falling in love.
We were selected to showcase our harmonies as a Duo on Season 6 on NBC's The Voice where we had the once in a lifetime opportunity to work with Adam Levine who called our Blind Audition his "favorite performance on The Voice ever". WOW! We've been so encouraged by the number of fans who have sent our recording of the audition song "I've Just Seen A Face" (by the Beatles) and our original EP (written and recorded in our living room) soaring into the Billboard music charts!
It's been such an incredible ride and journey so far. We're looking forward to what the next chapter holds and we're setting out to make the kind of record we can be proud to tell our (one day) kids and grandkids about.
"...If it's a good one/they'll play it even when we're gone"- lyrics from our new song 'Life Is A Good Song'
This campaign will allow us to MAKE the album of our dreams and to capture this magical musical connection and SHARE it with you all. We'll use all the funds for studio time to track and mix and then have the album mastered and manufactured. We'll also be hiring a publicist for the album and a radio promoter. Then we'll head on tour to share the songs face to face! Thank you for your support, we can't wait to share the music with YOU FIRST!
Rewards for Pledging
We want to show our appreciation for your help in making this album a reality! There's rewards at each level with descriptions to the right of this page -->
All pledges of $5 or greater includes an exclusive download of our new song "Yours And Mine" acoustic demo!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute financially there's so many other ways to help! If you share our music with your friends you're keeping us growing and alive. If you'd like to share this campaign with other friends that might contribute you can help us make a great album.