We have a vision to unite as much activities that 'defy gravity' and as much urban culture in order to make an unique festival for everyone with goal to create tradition for generations to come.
Last years we had a variety of activities such as: MTB and BMX ramp, parkour and breakdance performance, flatland BMX performance (modern dance while riding the bmx bicycle), a polygon for trial bicycles, bunny hop contest, rock climbing, children bicycle polygon, motor stunt show, a slackline and street performers.
This year we want to make it bigger and better.
For us this international festival is important because in our region there is a lot of young people who would want to be a part of similar activities but there is simply almost no events or places to see those activities or participate in them. We created this campaign because we need Your help. To us it's important that you hear our call, because support we got for now only covers 1/7 of our expenses,which leaves us with very little space to make a progress that we want.
The festival will take place on 11th june in Samobor, Croatia.
We are setting the goal at 3500$. That is the minimum we need to bring all the new content to the festival. All of the fundings are going straight to our piggy bank and are meant for – graffiti walls and paint, street art gallery, improvement of the polygons, making a 15 min. documentary movie about the Defying Gravity, it's story and rides and bringing dance groups and riders to the festival.
By supporting this campaign, you are also helping us start our clothing brand and give us a boost in organizing winter editions of the festival and more events such as jams, contests, parties and performances.
With Your help we will be able to:
Improve our polygons, building and renting better jump boxes and ramps for bikers, rollers, skateboarders & brakedancers (1300$)
Platform fees - 350$
Perk fulfillment - 1500$
Total cost : 5350$
We are determinate to reach our goal. If we cross it, we already have some new ideas like (Defying Gravity winter edition) that we can implement in the festival which will be published if campaign gets close to our goal. Also there is numerous other expenses we have while organizing this event like prize pools, transportation and building of different 4 polygons, security, medic, performers, Dj’s, artificial rocks etc.
Here is what you get for supporting our story:
This project will help young people to see and participate in activities they wouldn't usually have a chance to be a part of. Its value in our local and international society is huge, while it is one of the few events promoting extreme sports and urban culture in our region. We are connecting people from that scene and developing a community and network of people who are interested in extreme sports and urban culture, as well as promoting those activities to a larger audience.
We also like to include locals - children and local people gave us a great positive feedback through last four festivals. They say, and we also think, that a group of young motivated people organizing such an interesting event is great for the visibility of our local community and for young people to be involved into sports and culture that is going to be a big part of our future.
Urban culture is becoming a big part of young people's everyday life – music, art, dance, clothing and other interests have a big influence on their mindset and development. We want to open people's mind, and through the event let them see that it is all about sharing the love and passion and accepting every unique person no matter what they do or look like. Also we want them to see that hard work pays off, especially when you do something you love.
There will always be risk and obstacles doing those events. Organizing takes a lot of time and energy, as well as being able to make an event with that amount of visibility that people come from other countries just to be a part of it. The biggest obstacle is of course the money, but we are very positive thinking and put our hopes and dreams into Your hands.
From our experience with organizing the "Defying Gravity" festival throughout the years we are sure that if there will be obstacles considering placement of the festival (troubles with staff or contestants, bike and skate ramps and elements, weather conditions), we will deal with it greatly even if we have to adjust the course of the activities.
Because of our young but very experienced team, we are sure that this festival will take place no matter what. With Your help we can overcome every challenge and nothing can stop us from making the festival take place once again and make a big impact on the society we live in.
We want to continue with the festival, making it an annual tradition in Samobor.
Even if you can't financially contribute to the project you can always help with spreading the word, we will be very pleased if our festival gets some street credit :). So if you like it - tell your friends, share on facebook, twitter and such, use share tools, call your grandma to tell her friends, go to the street corner with a banner and invite people, film a video landing a 720°-tuck no hands to superman yelling "Defying Gravity", make a graffiti. We take and appreciate any form of help we can get.
And last (but not least), come to the festival, support us and meet cool people.