Short Summary
I bet you're wondering why we gathered you all here. It's a pretty big deal that you have gotten this far. But here it is and it's not a MLM scam.
We need some money....I know that sounds like a MLM, but we promise your money will actually see results. You also won't be on the hook to sell anything.
My name is C Michael Whaley, I am a filmmaker. I have teamed up with James Ferda in order to being his award winning short film, Demon, to life. And just like anything worth doing, it is going to cost money.
What We Need Your Money & What You Get
The most important reason we need your help is we want everyone to get paid for their work. We are big believers in every job should be a paid job. No one should be exploited for their labor/art. So most of the money is going to the people making this film. Cast and crew will be compensated. We also need to feed people. Which you know is not cheap. We are trying to raise $3500.00.
So we have some standard but a few very cool perks.
*any amount under $15 you will have our utmost thanks
*$15 gets you a special thanks in the credits.
*$25 get you a digital download of the original song written specifically for this movie and will play over the credits. It will be a Bop.
*$50 will get you the download of the song as well as a digital copy of the film after the festival run.
*$75 will get you both of the above and a physical copy of the poster. Will only be able to ship domestically.
*$100 you will get a signed script. it will have the entire cast and crew's Herbie Hancock. you will also get the digital download of the song and film. Can only ship domestically.
*$500 you will be listed as an executive producer. this will be in the credits and on IMDB. Also a digital download of the song and film.
*$1000 you will get the digital downloads of song/film. Signed script and poster sent to you and we will let you call the set for a 10 minute video call during filming. This will be set during the 2 hour break.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, please share our crowdfunding amongst yourselves. Every eye on this helps.