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Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Safer restaurants begin with well-designed inspection score signage, at least, that's our theory.

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Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Dine Safe King County: A Usability Study

Safer restaurants begin with well-designed inspection score signage, at least, that's our theory.

Safer restaurants begin with well-designed inspection score signage, at least, that's our theory.

Safer restaurants begin with well-designed inspection score signage, at least, that's our theory.

Safer restaurants begin with well-designed inspection score signage, at least, that's our theory.

Sarah Schacht
Sarah Schacht
Sarah Schacht
Sarah Schacht
1 Campaign |
Seattle, United States
$840 USD 26 backers
48% of $1,750 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Thinking of supporting Dine Safe? 

Consider contributing $5 or $15, the cost of a fancy mocha or a take out meal.

What Works for King County Residents?

All over the USA and across the world, health departments require restaurants to post their restaurant inspection scores. These scores give consumers like you and I a window into the restaurant's compliance with health and sanitation codes. Useful information to know when you're picking a place to go out. So, yay for King County Public Health committing to posting restaurant inspection scores at King County restaurants, starting in mid-2015!

But what types of "inspection signs" work well? There's lots of different designs used around the world, and there's debate about how well each of them work.  King County has had committees with restaurants and government leaders discussing design options. --Wouldn't it be great to test these sign designs out in King County, on residents, BEFORE the signs roll out? 

We think so. That's why we're doing usability testing on various inspection score designs with a diverse pool of King County residents as testers. We're starting testing now, so our results can be presented in a time for King County's decision-making process on what types of signage to implement. They haven't told us exact dates, but it looks like late winter (in late January/early February) the'll come to a decision. We're going to complete the study before then, and we need your help to do it.

Who We Are

We're Fundraising for Basic Research Costs, Everything Else is Covered

Here's what we need  and how much it costs:
  • $75 for poster printing, to advertise to diverse locations/populations to participate in our usability sessions.
  • $500 (broken up into smaller gift cards) for focus group gratuities, which incentivize people to show up, spend an hour of their time with us. Provides for 10 to 12 testers.
  • $200, for online survey incentive prizes, to get dozens of testers incentivized to take our surveys, and be entered to win one of four gift cards.
  • $200, to provide in $5 gift cards as incentives when we do interaction testing on the streets of King County's towns and cities. Gets people to talk with us for 5-10 minutes and participate in quick testing.
  • $150, transportation costs, to locations in King County that are not well served by transit. 
  • $150 for technology rental for testing equipment to on site locations. 
  • $50, office supplies.
  • $100 for presentation materials, hard copy reports for governments that request them.
  • $150 for tabling supplies for being out at community engagement events.
  • $175, to cover fundraising/transaction fees, like PayPal and Indigogo.
Total: $1,750

Most Project Costs Already Donated

  • All student researchers are donating their time, 90 hours each. Each student is working on the project as a Capstone project or as a for-credit internship. 5X90 hours= 450 hours donated for FREE!
  • Professors are donating their time to mentor.
  • As UW students, we are able to use UW labs, most testing equipment, and meeting rooms, saving the project thousands of dollars.
  • Our transportation costs are mostly covered by our UW bus passes (yay)!


  • $5 donation: Get first access to our executive summary! Executive-awesomeness!
  • $15 donation: Get first access to our final report!
  • $25 donation: Grab the executive summary, the report, and a supporter graphic to tell all your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram that you made the Dine Safe Report happen, and because of your generosity, they can can read and download the report.
  • $50 donation: All of the above, plus, come to our report launch party, held a chic Seattle bar. Meet the research team, see our first research presentation, then quickly get back to networking with to fellow champions of restaurant safety.
  • $100 All of the above, plus your name on our list of report backers!
  • $250 All of the above, and Sarah Schacht will come to your restaurant or business to give a  talk on food safety and how we can all play a part in making restaurants safer to eat at. 
  • $500 Points 1-5, plus Sarah Schacht will donate 10 hours of her time to organizing your advocacy campaign or petition to government, providing you or the cause of your choice the successful strategies she implemented in winning posted inspection scores here in King County,

The Impact

Products and information work better when they've been through user testing first. The impact of this research is to give King County Public Health and King County Board of Health design recommendations which demonstrate how inspection score design impacts citizen choices of restaurants, and how they make those choices. Some additional impacts we think the study can make:

  • Provide the public and decision-makers with a well-researched report, helping them advocate and decide with the public's needs in mind.
  • Allow stakeholders like restaurants insights into how posted scores may impact consumer behavior.
  • Kickstart conversations in King County about how we can design information and services with the public in mind.
  • Save King County taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars by making this an independent, volunteer-run research study, without them having to hire expensive contractors.
  • Help King County launch a well-tested and works-well-for-the-public posted inspection score system.

Risks & Challenges

Our research project is run by student volunteers, with that comes risks and challenges. Here's a couple we could encounter:

  • A student volunteer could get sick or face a challenge, and we'd need to rework the schedule and staffing, leading to longer study length.
  • King County could decide it doesn't want to take our study into account. However, though they have said they are interested and would look at our results.
  • Act-of-God/hit-by-bus sort of delays which could delay the release of the study.


Your support means a lot to us! You helping create a safer county to eat out in, and helping King County create a model for restaurant inspection transparency the rest of the state and our nation can follow. 

Can't donate today? Help us get the word out about our crowdfunding campaign! 

  • Share this campaign through social media, email, and tell friends about it!
  • Use Indiegogo's social media tools to share the campaign and encourage others to join.
Thank you again, from all of us on the team!
Brett, Ethan, Lucie, Leilani, Sarah, and Will
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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
$5 donation: Get first access to our executive summary! Executive-awesomeness!
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
5 out of 50 of claimed

Radical Report

$15 USD
$15 donation: Get first access to our final report!
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
4 out of 75 of claimed

Super Supporter

$25 USD
$25 donation: Grab the executive summary, the report, and a supporter graphic to tell all your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram that you made the Dine Safe Report happen, and because of your generosity, they can can read and download the report.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
3 out of 35 of claimed

Party People

$50 USD
$50 donation: All of the above, plus, come to our report launch party, held a chic Seattle bar. Meet the research team, see our first research presentation, then quickly get back to networking with to fellow champions of restaurant safety.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
3 out of 25 of claimed

Report Rocker

$100 USD
$100 All of the above, plus your name on our report, citing your support for our research. Fancy!
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
3 out of 10 of claimed

Speaking Of Safety

$250 USD
$250 All of the above, and Sarah Schacht will come to your restaurant or business to give a talk on food safety and how we can all play a part in making restaurants safer to eat at. She is actually, fairly entertaining, and crazy knowledgeable.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed

Change Maker

$500 USD
$500 Points 1-5, plus Sarah Schacht will donate 10 hours of her time to organizing your advocacy campaign or petition to government, providing you or the cause of your choice the successful strategies and campaign plan.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

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