About this project
This Disaster & Solid Waste Remediation Technician Training & Certification Program will create an army of skilled technicians capable of solving a major problem in the World, solid waste pollution. With the many different types of disasters creating massive property destruction or the general day to day dumping of solid waste into our environment this training program has the potential of eliminating this major problem.
California Leading Edge, Inc (CLEI’s) program will train each student to inspect, evaluate, segregate and recycle a majority of the solid waste we now generate and dump into the environment. These newly trained technicians will then be able to direct different waste streams to a specific recycler or to a destination where it can be utilized to generate clean electricity. CLEI’s Training Program will begin a massive recycling boom that can go a long way in cleaning up the environment and ridding the country of most solid waste pollution. Most importantly, almost every corner of our country has been negatively affected by this problem and this program will attack this problem head on.
Why Support This Project?
One of the major environmental problems confronting our country and almost every other country in the World is the proper disposal of solid waste. Segregating and recycling waste materials is going to be one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. This problem is growing in scope and size every day. It is a problem for us today and will be a problem in the future unless something is done to change the way we handle the massive amounts of different wastes generated by us.
Currently, there are virtually no resources, personnel, nor the funds to remediate this blight on our lands. Local, State and Federal Governments simply do not have the financial resources nor personnel to effective address this massive goal.
A way must be found to make the commercial sector begin remediating the vast number of illegal dump sites and landfills while making the cleaning up of our environment feasible and profitable. Look anywhere, our beaches, our roads, rural landscape and underserved urban communities for trash and solid waste materials and you will see illegal dump sites. Our neighborhoods, roadsides and rural areas are being turned into massive illegal waste dumps as well.
The United States currently produces over 11 billion tons of solid waste per year and only about 195 million tons of it is put into legal landfills. As you can see there is quite a difference in the amount generated per year and the amount that legally goes into our landfills or is currently being burned to make electricity or other useful materials.
Most of our landfills are full and opening new landfills require greater transportation costs, lack of public acceptance and the pollution that they generate are fouling the environment.
This tells us that millions of tons of illegal solid waste are dumped into our communities and rural areas every year. It is very difficult to know the exact amount of waste being dumped because most of the dumping amounts and locations are unknown. Sometimes government does remediate a very small portion of this waste, but in most cases it just sits in place polluting every corner of our country.
It is conservatively estimated that almost 95% of all waste generated by us can be recycled to make new products. By burning and utilizing amazing new technologies, electrical producers can generate much needed clean and environmentally safe electric power.
The solution to this problem will be to develop small new companies and properly train individuals to remediate disaster damage, illegal dumpsites and work within companies to segregate and recycle their waste.
A new business model must be developed to provide not only the number of qualified people needed to handle the volume but also provide the expertise to segregate the vast number and different types of waste that is disposed of into the environment.
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Our Solution To The Problem
To accomplish these goals, a new and technical set of job skills are needed. These skills would require an individual to have a detailed knowledge of different types of waste, how to separate and handle them safely. These new entry level job skills would require specific knowledge and specialized training.
These important job skills would also allow these newly trained technicians to properly identify, segregate, recycle and dispose of all different types of solid waste. This training would be imperative in eliminating a majority of legal waste now put into landfills and the illegally disposed of solid waste being dumped all over the land and in our waters.
We have become a society of extreme consumers where almost everything we buy becomes unusable in a relatively short period of time. This has set in motion many of the problems that are dramatically polluting our environment.
When you set your trash out, it’s taken to a permitted landfill where it sits for eternity. In many cases, depending upon its composition, it breaks down and tragically pollutes the surrounding land and underground water supply.
CLEI’s first training module will develop the comprehensive training needed to provide entry level knowledge and skills to safely, efficiently and effectively remediate any type of solid waste legally or illegally that has been put into the environment.
This program can and will dramatically stimulate a very large area of our economy when they are educated with CLEI’s “Disaster & Solid Waste Remediation Technician Training & Certifiation Program”. The recycling of most solid waste is the goal, however in the process, this program will also clean up our environment and create tens of thousands of new green jobs and hundreds of small businesses nationwide.
Program Training Modules (To Include):
These modules will teach trainees how to handle specific types of remediation situations in many different types of situations and places.
- Solid Waste Remediation Technician Certification Training Program (Core Training Module – Required To Take Any Additional Program Modules)
- Solid Waste Remediation Business Development Certification Training Program(Business Development Module)
- Federal Lands Remediation Certification Training Program
- Local & State Government Property Remediation Certification Training Program
- Private Property Remediation Certification Training Program
- Commercial Property Remediation Certification Training Program
- Construction Site Remediation Certification Training Program
- Hazardous Materials Handler Certification Training Program (Safety Module)
- Hazardous Waste Handler Certification Training Program (Safety Module)
Built into each of these training modules will also be detailed information about the different types of disasters, how to remediate them and what to do with the various types of debris. This program will rely heavily on recycling as much of this debris as possible.
Training modules will be provided in computer classrooms around the country, at home or work over the internet. The multimedia interactive format demands that each student masters each lesson or the program makes them repeat it until they understand each lesson presentation.
We need your help!
For this project to be implemented properly, significant funding will be required. We have prepared and submitted a detailed grant proposal to the Department of Labor with the intention of having them fund the full development of all of the additional modules defined above.
However, they want to see evidence that we have community and business support for this project. Your support can deliver the proof along with the development of the first downloadable PDF version of the student training manual that will be created from the funds provided by our supporters.
CLEI’s training program will be an important step in cleaning up our environment and limiting the amount of waste put into landfills. Not only will this program help to accomplish these goals, but it will grow recycling programs all over the country providing dramatic new revenue sources. It will permit us to train thousands of people, nationwide, that will turn trash into raw materials that can be used over and over again.
Who We Are:
California Leading Edge Inc.
My name is Tommy Randle and I am the CEO of a non-profit company named California Leading Edge Incorporated (CLEI). We have formed this company and partnered with other highly professional and competent companies to develop a wide range of projects that will solve major problems that confront us on a daily basis. We believe that this project will solve one of the planets greatest problems. CLEI will be responsible for the development of the entire project.
For this project CLEI has partnered with the following companies to develop the training materials including the multimedia interactive training modules to be used in computer classrooms and by individuals over the Internet. Each company has a distinct and unique role in developing this training program.
Training Materials Development Group
Training & Learning Concepts (TLC) – Training Content Developers
Over the last 20 years, TLC has been developing unique training programs for companies all over the country. They have worked with Federal, State and Local Government agencies, large corporations along with medium and small companies to create programs to meet OSHA, EPA and ISO compliance. TLC began developing this Solid Waste Remediation Technician Training & Compliance Program after watching the massive illegal dumping of waste into the environment and developing this solution to end this problem.
Impressions Media, LLC – Video & Editing Services
Working with many major corporations including many of the top automobile manufacturers and airlines, they have assisted in developing some of the most visually impacting training programs and creative promotional materials that have been developed.
UP Communications – Multimedia Interactive & Internet Programming
The company excels with decades of leadership experience in the delivery of high-impact education and training initiatives for businesses small and large. From needs assessments, to strategic planning, to the conception, design and implementation of specific project development this company provides innovative and dynamic skills.
Where Will Your Money Go?
We will be creating a downloadable PDF detailed preview/introduction Student Workbook to include the following curriculum;
- What Is Solid Waste?
- Types Of Solid Waste
- Where To Find This Waste
- How To Cleanup This Waste
- What Is Recycling?
- Types Of Recycling
- Basic Material Handling
- Safety Considerations
- Disaster Recovery & Remediation
Your support will help us justify the additional major funding for development of the additional training modules. These training modules will allow the user to learn at his/her own pace and when assistance is needed, detailed assist will be available with our online support team.
The multimedia aspect will provide dramatic visual presentations and the interactive capabilities will provide a powerful delivery system. Any additional funds from Indiegogo Supporters over and above our goal will be used to begin development of the computer based multimedia interactive training modules.
Risks & Challenges
This project while massive in scope is already far along in its development;
- The first downloadable student preview/introduction manual is already near completion.
- The curriculum outlines are currently in development for each of the multimedia interactive training modules.
- The multimedia interactive scripts for each of the training modules are also under development.
- We are sending project announcements to over 1,200 environmental foundations and advocacy groups with total memberships in the millions.
- The challenges may be great but the rewards of developing this program will dramatically invigorate the cleaning up of our environment and the recycling of the waste being put into it.
- We are convinced that the support we will generate for this project will allow us to obtain the major grant that we have already submitted to the Department of Labor proving to them that this training program will train thousands of technicians and in time create hundreds of small businesses.
Tommy Randle - CEO
California Leading Edge Incorporated