Disasterous Move
Disasterous Move
Disasterous Move
Disasterous Move
Disasterous Move
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Disasterous Move
Having just celebrated the Festival of Pesach (Passover) have you ever wondered what it must have been like to leave Egypt with all one's possessions in the very limited time provided?
We know how quickly they moved by the fact that there was no time for their bread to rise. This year we ourselves really experienced what this is like. Our landlord had a strange custom of threatening us to move immediately before a Festival. Mostly at the last minute he realized what he was doing was not legal and let us remain in the apartment. This year his threats were a reality for us, and we had no choice but to move the day before Erev Pesach (i.e. the day preceding Passover), even though we actually still had a contract. Finding a suitable apartment to enable us to continue our work was not easy. Finally we found a place we hope will work, a little smaller than we wanted but the moving date was upon us and we could no longer keep looking.
We did our homework to find a good mover and fell for the flattery, smooth talk and seeming care of a certain mover. All seemed to be going according to plan until the moving began. The move ended up being a disaster with the mover suddenly increasing the amount he quoted to almost double. Items have been lost, other items damaged. Some holy books that are irreplaceable are damaged too. The promised refrigerator in our new apartment was full of mould. "No problem," said our kind mover. "I have one in my warehouse worth NIS 1500 but I will sell it to you for just NIS 1000" With no other option for our food for the whole of Pesach, we agreed, only to discover it did not work and we lost all our food - prepared for the entire week!
Since we had no assistance when getting married, we have just our beds, bookcases and equipment / materials for our work. Without finding what we needed in a partly furnished apartment, we have been forced to rent an unfurnished apartment and ask for assistance to obtain the basics that every Jewish home requires. All the time spent in apartment hunting, packing and preparing for this move has resulted in loss of income which has set us back further.
This move was the 43rd I have made. Every move is costly, unsettling and forces me to have to begin many aspects of my work again. Please help me to at least have the basics I need to have stability to be able to live some kind of a normal life. The amount we are asking for covers the unreasonably high moving fee, expense to replace lost and damaged items, cost in obtaining the basic appliances, dining room table, chairs and sofa.
Please see our website www.lovingkindness.co to find out more about the work we are involved in and the work we enjoy doing the most. Please share the link and support our services and help us to establish ourselves to live in the Land of Israel. Indeed, this is the highest form of charity - to help us through your support of our activities and services so that we can stand on our own two feet.
Your donation means you are assisting a couple to have a home to live in. It is more than just a help - it is our very lives.
With heartfelt thanks to anyone who opens their heart to assist.
Shoshanah Shear