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Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Help The Doctor! Your heart is at stake!

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Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles 'A Loud Hush'

Help The Doctor! Your heart is at stake!

Help The Doctor! Your heart is at stake!

Help The Doctor! Your heart is at stake!

Help The Doctor! Your heart is at stake!

Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
2 Campaigns |
Raleigh, United States
$720 USD 13 backers
24% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


If you by chance have stumbled across our campaign going through the trailer link, please take a moment to view the PERKS for 'A Loud Hush' and

PLEASE send the Perk Level you would like in with your Donation! 

Thank you Fans!

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles is the first semi-professional, independent Doctor Who series that not only comes from the US, but stars a lady-ginger Doctor. 

While some may call it a "fan film", as we are not licensed by the BBC, The Ginger Chronicles has professionals working in front and behind the camera, with a professional crew who ensure 'A Loud Hush' will be of the quality Doctor Who fans want to see over and over again. For you, the Doctor Who fan, our series is a great opportunity to see the world through the eyes of the Doctor as she comes to grips with the mysteries of the universe and womanhood. Doctor Who:The Ginger Chronicles is a great mix of what is old and new in the Doctor Who world using great practical effects as well as cutting edge CG.

Doctor Who: The Ginger Chronicles’ first episode, 'A Dame to Kill' has over 18,000 views in its short life-span on the web and in conventions. With a shoestring budget, the first episode was brought to life over four days of shooting and a few hard worn weeks of editing from the team. The support from conventions and fans, instilled in the dedicated cast and crew the desire to bring the Timelady, only known as the Doctor, back for another adventure amongst the planets, nebulae, and wibbly-wobbbly-timey-wimey-stuff.

Enter 'A Loud Hush', A Doctor Who/Buffy The Vampire Slayer Crossover sure to make the Whedon and Moffat fans join hands and sing songs around the green glow of the web. Shot using an extremely modest budget over only three days, 'A Loud Hush' is definitely a bigger, better, badder, exciting, and yet well aged version of the fan film that may have started the Moffaty wheels turning. We’re not saying he is watching...but *Spoilers* The Master is now a Timelady who dresses like Mary Poppins and stopped time for airplanes in the sky...just saying...if nothing else great minds think alike (Watch A Dame to Kill

Partnering with Twin Maples Media and Pollock Multimedia made the filming process possible. They generously allowed us, not only use of their cameras, (including a Red Scarlett with normal weekly rental packages starting at $1200) and their extensive sound equipment.   But in addition, they also volunteered their precious time. Money from the previous crowdfunding campaign was used to create the custom wardrobe for our Lady Doctor.  Private funds were used to feed actors and crew, build a console, wardrobe, make-up, etc. All this did not come cheap.  However, we have completed principle photography of 'A Loud Hush' and are now in post-production.

So… this is why you, the Doctor Who fans who love what we’re doing, are so very important. We can’t finish our latest episode—which we KNOW is going to be amazing!—without your help. All we ask is that you think about what we’ve already done, then take a good look at all of the donation levels offered in this campaign. We’re sure there’s something for everyone out there who wants to help us keep this project going!

And remember… there are no “small” donations, so whether you can give a little or a lot, we promise to use every single dollar we receive to make this episode the best one yet!

We realize you can donate to a lot of things and you could easily donate somewhere else. Well, you could do that. Yeah, you could do that. Of course you could. But why? Look at you people, you human beings. Consider your potential! From the day you arrive on the planet, and blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than-- no, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands. Without you we do not exist!

We take our obligation to you, our backers, very seriously. We keep donors apprised of exactly where the money goes. We keep you informed via Facebook and our website . First, understand that generally, a project only receives about 75% of the total money raised. For the other 25%, 4% goes to Indiegogo, 3.5% goes to payment processing fees, and the rest gets reserved for Perks (the gifts you earn at different donation levels) and shipping them. So when we say we want to raise $3000 we only get around $2250, give or take. Any funds we acquire are going to be used to finish A Loud Hush. We need editing, CG, color correction, sound design, foley, musical score, and so much more to make this episode the best it can be. We want to give you great perks for your backing donations, while being financially responsible so that the most money possible goes to the production.


If you deem us worthy to give donate more than we ask for, we have a few plans.

$ 4,000

This level allows us to improve our TARDIS and make it more portable. As we are preparing for the long haul, our carpenter is going to give the exterior of our big blue boxy baby a complete overhaul. Turning her into the beautiful ride she is meant to be, and portable enough that she can be disassembled and put into a flatbed truck.

SPECIAL PERK At $ 4,000 every donor who donates at least $10 gets a set of 3 exclusive digital movie posters!  Created by our cadre of impressive graphic artists, these exclusive digital posters are free to all donors of $10 or more when we hit $3,000

$ 5,000

At this level we get to work on the interior TARDIS console, making it far more functional and definitely more like the sexy thing we all know and love. We’ll install telepathic relays, chrome levers, buttons that light up, smoke, mirrors; all the thingys that a traveling Timelady needs to make the universe and time more accessible.

SPECIAL PERK At $ 5,000 every donor who donates at least $ 10 gets a personalized thank you video from the Doctor herself!! 

Any money over $5000 we are going to put into episode 3. (It’s going to be a doozy.)

So much to be done!  Go like our Facebook page at to stay updated on all the progress!
If you prefer to Donate without perks just PayPal us at
And MOST of ALL, spread the word and help us make this a success!


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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

$5 USD
Thank you from The Who Crew for your support! We can't wait to bring you "A Loud Hush"!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Doctor Who Crew

$10 USD
Your name on the backers page of the Ginger Doctor website PLUS access to our "Donors Only" Facebook Group with exclusive content, including behind the scenes videos, photos, Sneak peaks and more!
1 claimed

Cast Photo Digital Wallpaper

$15 USD
Receive the perks for level $10 and the digital high resolution download of the cast poster
0 claimed

"A Loud Hush" Script

$20 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10 and $15 plus a digital download PDF copy of the "A Loud Hush" script.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Episode Digital Download

$25 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15 and $20 plus a digital download of "A Loud Hush"
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pilot Episode Digital Download

$30 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15, $20 and $25 plus a digital download of the pilot episode "A Dame to Kill"
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A Loud Hush ILLUSTRATED Script

$35 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15, $20 and $25 and $30 plus the digital download of the official illustrated script from "A Loud Hush" and in PDF form. Chock-full of photos and details on the cast and characters, this illustrated script read like a "making of" book with behind-the-scenes info and images.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

8x10 Signed Cast Photo

$50 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15, $20, $25, $30 and $35 plus our New Series Poster, which will be printed as an 8x10 and signed by the 3 main cast!
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America

SPECIAL- Jar of Heart PROP

$50 USD
Receive one of seven screen used Jar of Heart props! Limited availability! These are hand made by The Doctor and Liz and are autographed by the 3 main cast and the director.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
2 out of 7 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

DVD of "A Loud Hush" & Pilot

$60 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15, $20 and $25, $30, $35 and $50 plus the DVD that includes "A Loud Hush" and our Pilot episode "A Dame to Kill".
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Musical Score of "A Loud Hush"

$75 USD
Receive all of the perks for $10. $15, $20 and $25, $30, $35, $50 and $60 plus the complete score CD to "A Loud Hush" by Steven Grove. Including Special Guest Artist Kat Robichaud from Season 5 of 'The Voice'!!
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Ultimate Doctor Who Crew

$125 USD
Receive all of the perks up to the $75 level PLUS an exclusive Doctor Who Crew T-Shirt designed by The Doctor herself! Sizing details to follow.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
2 claimed
Ships to United States of America
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