Don't Mention It
Don't Mention It
Don't Mention It
Don't Mention It
Don't Mention It
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
This campaign is closed
Don't Mention It
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
Debut Album by Chris Leoden
What you're supporting
This campaign is raising funds for my professionally recorded album, DON'T MENTION IT.
I’ve been able to cover the costs of recording and producing one song, which is ready for you to check out right here on this page.
This first song is called “SPLIFF” and you can check it out below!
While I was able to fund the recording process for "SPLIFF" on my own, creating an album of songs of this quality can be quite costly. With that said, this campaign can give us a unique opportunity to collaborate and make great art together. Your donation will cover following costs of my project:
1. Pre-Production: This is where we start the project. During this part of the process we will prepare the arrangements for each of the songs that will go on the album. We will rehearse and fine-tune the arrangements, songs and discuss new ideas for how to approach the recording process.
2. Recording: This is where the songs become what you'll hear on this album. First we enter the studio and start capturing the music then we will review and decide which sessions to keep. This campaign will play a major role in making sure we have enough time to capture great performances.
3. Mixing & Mastering: We will mix each individual track to create the right balance between the sounds, texture and color that make up a track. Finally the album will be mastered from beginning to end, so the listening experience is cohesive and carefully composed from start to finish.
4. Videography: This is the fun part! After the completion of the album we will choose about 4 tracks to create music videos for. With the help of the very talented videographer Fabien Mamer we will choreograph some exciting and artistic visuals to depict some of the music off this album.
Music has always been a major influence in my life. As a child growing up, my dad owned a record shop on 174th street and Boston road in the Bronx. So music became a sanctuary from my environment as well as my connection with my "Pops". Even after joining the military in 2004, I continued playing and writing music throughout my travels, after leaving the Navy in 2008 I moved back to nyc where i decided to follow my passion full time. I chose to become a professional music maker. Turns out thats much easier said than done. It's been many years since i left the navy, and it really does feel like an odyssey to me, making this album. It's been a interesting journey and I really look forward to sharing these stories with you. Thank you for helping me achieve this, it means everything!
If you're ready to contribute, choose one of the perks or just click the pink "Back It" button at the top right of this page! Every little bit counts, and I'm so grateful for all your support.
If you've got some folks in your network that would be interested in supporting this album please help get the word out! There are social media share buttons on this page, please tell your friends I am truly grateful for the support!
Thank you so much for checking out my campaign page. I can't wait to share this music with you.
-Chris Leoden