Downcast Volume 2: Wrize & Fall
A total 88-page premium quality perfect-bound graphic novel including:
- 52-pages continuing the story of Joanne and Jax.
- 26-pages of written story that delves into "The Classified History of Strata".
- 10 pages of 'behind the scenes' extras.
After the near collapse of the city, Joanne and Jax find the opportunity they have been waiting for -- a witness willing to testify in court to save their father. They will have to act fast, because now the gravity-defying orb is working against them.
New to Downcast?
Be sure to back a perk that includes volume 1!
Joanne and her brother Jax are on the run from a corrupt government when the power to control gravity falls into their hands. With their father held captive and sentenced to death, can they use this legendary and incredibly powerful weapon to save him before it's too late?
Cover A - By Kelsey Shannon:
Cover B - By Matthew Weldon:
Downcast Returns
The creative team that brought you the hyper-successful original comic, Downcast, is back to continue the story.
In 2019, DOWNCAST raised over $31,000 on Indie GoGo and readers loved the story. So it's time to expand the story line and dig deeper into the history of the floating city that has so many readers invested.
Story: Clint Stoker
Art: Ignacio Lazaro
Colors: Damian Penalba
Letters: Eric Weathers
Cover B Artist: Matthew Weldon
What We Need & What You Get
It's simple:
- With the profits from the first campaign, we were able to finance most of the creation of this book, but we need your help to pay for the lettering and printing costs.
- We've expanded the book to 88 total pages! 52 pages to continue the story from Volume one, an additional 26-page illustrated docu-story called "The Classified History of Strata", and 10 pages of extras.
- We need your help with the final financial push to make this book a reality.
The Secret History of Strata:
After publishing the first installment of DOWNCAST, readers were fascinated by the world, specifically, the city of Strata. So by popular demand, we are adding a written, documentary-style, story to the book. It will include a compilation of documents from the founding on Strata, first-hand experiences from historical figures, and some great illustrations. The more money we raise on this book, the more illustrations we will add to this section of the book.
Here is one great illustration from Matias Lazaro:
Art by Peter Gilmore (Below)
Large prints are 11x17" small prints are 6x9"
Art by Vinnie Tartamella
Stretch Goals:
UNLOCKED $15,000 - Every book gets spot UV gloss.
UNLOCKED $18,000 - Upgraded paper stock.
UNLOCKED $20,000 - Book marks for Everyone.
UNLOCKED $25,000 - More illustrations in "The Secret History of Strata."
UNLOCKED $30,000 - Everyone gets a trading card.
UNLOCKED$35,000 - Foil Stamped cover.
More to come
Risks & Challenges
Because this is my second crowd-funded graphic novel, I have learned how to mitigate the risks involved. Hitting the deadline is always a big priority, and can be challenging. The good news is, we delivered on the last campaign 2 months early.
I am dedicated to successfully completing this project. You have my word that you will get the perk you paid for.
Other Ways You Can Help
Talk about this campaign on social media. Share it with friends. Make videos. Every time you mention the campaign, it increases the chances of new backers discovering the book.
Thank you for your support!