World…We have a problem!
Dributts is an Atlanta based non-profit with the mission to help control fecal-related diseases among children in developing countries. Simply stated, we save lives with our unique reusable diaper in developing countries.
Did you know that 2,195 children die everyday from diarrhea? In 2013, 1.6 million children died from simple fecal-related diseases in developing countries and 2.4 billion people live without access to proper sanitation. That means more people have access to cell phones than toilets and diapers!
Even if all those real-life stats from the CDC didn’t get your skin crawling or make you extremely frustrated, then take "The Dributts Challenge." Allow your baby or a friend's baby to run around your house for a day with no diaper (or cleaning supplies), and see how safe you feel from fecal-related diseases in your own home!
Will You Help Us #StopTheCrap?
is launching the #StopTheCrap Movement to raise awareness and funds to help
reduce the number of children who die from fecal-related diseases. Our goal is to raise $45,000 in just 60
days which will allow us to give away 3,000 Dributts diapers and help over 1,500
This will also allow us to move our manufacturing to Haiti! The #StopTheCrap Movement will create jobs and a new industry that could open new doors. Please consider joining the movement and help us change lives!
Why do babies need Dributts Diapers?
Dributts was an idea that came to Michael Wahl, founder, while leading a mission trip in Haiti. He was working in a local village repairing wells and building latrines when he noticed that the babies were naked. He saw babies defecating in their homes, on their caretakers, by the food source, and by the water source. He had just built latrines for the adults and older children, but the babies could not use the latrines. Knowing the leading cause of sickness, disease, and death in third world countries is fecal matter, he knew he had to do something.
Michael returned from Haiti with the idea to take diapers back with him. He did some research on diapers and learned that regular cloth diapers would not work because they were made of heavy materials such as fleece, cotton, and hemp. They would be too hot, hold onto bacteria, and in the Haitian heat, would cause diaper rash and chaffing which could lead to infection and cause another problem. Disposable diapers would not work because of the expense, and they create a sanitation issue since they have no place to properly dispose of the diapers. Michael knew of some Haitians washing and reusing disposable diapers until they fell apart.
Not just any diaper will work in developing countries. A unique diaper was needed to work in the worst conditions around the world, so Michael talked with his
wife and asked her for some ideas. After some brainstorming, they came up with
the idea to try a dri-fit moisture-wicking material that is breathable. Michael then
asked his wife, who did not know how to sew, to make some diapers. She
referred him to a friend who has a home sewing business making cloth
diapers. The friend was happy to help and developed a pattern for Dributts. She
also made the first sets of diapers. When she became too busy with her
business to continue, she taught Starla, Michael’s wife, how to sew the diapers. Then
Starla recruited some volunteers who did not know how to sew, and they learned to make the diapers. Together they made over 700 diapers! Finally, Dributts
found a manufacturer which has been a great help.
Simple sanitation, hygiene, and education will significantly reduce the risk of fecal- related deaths and overall help the health of the communities in developing countries around the world.
The DriButts Diaper showing off!
Our diaper was created to work in extreme
environments with hot climates and where there is no running water or
electricity. The diaper is breathable and lightweight which allows
airflow. It not only absorbs urine, but also wicks away the moisture if the
diaper is not changed right away.
The bamboo insert has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial
properties so it helps prevent infection. It is adjustable and designed to fit
a newborn through age two, and it may fit a small three year old. The diaper
can be washed in a bucket with soap and water and should be hung up to dry. The
outer shell dries in about twenty minutes, and the insert dries in about
forty-five minutes. The diaper is reusable and lasts the baby through three
years of age, and it can be used for multiple babies.
How can you get involved?
Join the #StopTheCrap Movement and help us reach our goal of 3,000 diapers. This will change 1,500 families lives and help
them control disease in their communities. DriButts is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit and all financial gifts are tax
Get Social:
Share our campaign on social
media and tell your community about what we are doing. The power of influence
is your greatest super power. Please help us by telling everyone you know.
DriButts Gathering:
We are launching the
#StopTheCrap tour beginning April 2, and we will be stopping in different
locations until June 2. Check out the schedule and invite people to personally
meet our DriButts team and hear our story. All locations will be listed on the
#StopTheCrap Movement tour schedule.