We have been working tirelessly for the past 4 years on an environment that dry ice can survive in as a solid form. We are proud to announce we have finally finished prototyping, engineering, testing, and trialing. We are ready to start bringing out storage freezers for dry ice to retail environments such as fuel and gas stations, or anywhere that has an available 10 amp power supply. With your help, we will be able to make this happen!
About Us
‘CQ Dry Ice Solutions’ is a dry ice business located in Queensland, Australia. We produce quality dry ice for various uses, including industrial cleaning, preserving perishable goods, for bio-medical purposes, as well as for more personal avenues such as chilling your beverages or keeping your food fresh for long travels.
Having experienced first-hand the significant financial suffering associated with dry ice loss and sublimation rates caused by transport, storage and atmospheric conditions I am here today with a new idea.
The Industry
Up until now the industry has been controlled by the much larger gas and dry ice manufacturing companies. The retail market has not been able to complete, nor can they make advances in dry ice technologies. We are on our way to changing the way the smaller businesses/companies handle dry ice.
The Solution: Dry Ice Storage Freezers
What we have done is created a freezer that looks like other retail freezers for familiarity purposes. We have worked out the perfect maintained temperature for the freezers to operate at as well as given the freezer the correct atmosphere suitable for dry ice storage. If the temperature drops or if the power cuts out we have mechanisms in place to keep the dry ice safe, and the freezers pose no harm to human health.
Buy why? Our initial reasoning was to increase dry ice availability to the public. After market research proceeded, we worked out that this will have even greater use as a supply product for more remote areas that can be time consuming to access. The dry ice could be transported to the remote location in the freezer, without the dry ice being lost before it was received. The dry ice could then be used for medical or miscellaneous purposes as required.
Does It Work?
We trialed a 3 kilogram dry ice block for an entire 300+ days in our prototype storage freezer and it showed very promising results. After over 10 months the 3kg dry ice block only lost a little under 200 grams and upon examination after it was taken out of the freezer; the dry ice still lasted the same distance in a normal esky, as it would if the dry ice was made that same day.
Party Ice VS Dry Ice Test:
What Next?
The plan with moving forward is to now test the units in a fuel/gas station to create a platform for repetitive launch throughout Australia. The trials will be done locally and to document the response and trends. What we are trying to achieve is making everyone aware that dry ice can be purchased locally and used in hundreds of different ways. We want to have a working relationship with customers so that they know when they go to the petrol station to pickup regular ice, they will also be able to pickup dry ice at the same location.
Our goal is to start selling dry ice in blocks of 1-2 kilograms, then increase the amount of dry ice available, as well as bring the freezers to more locations.
The money we are raising is to help assist the building of the 4 initial prototype units. We are confident and passionate that this will be the next big thing and we can easily picture a world with both dry & party ice. The ice market only exists because we have found a way to engineer a storage facility to look after it. Dry ice has now found a way to store successfully so we are confident this is the turning point for our industry.
Help us help the industry!