How this documentary will cause the law to change
This is a feature length documentary following Peter Short, who was until his forced retirement earlier this year due to a terminal cancer diagnosis, the CEO of Coles Express service stations where he managed a multi-billion dollars business and thousands of employees across Australia.
The documentary is following Peter and his family in his life's last great challenge to improve the end of life options of every terminally ill Australian by hustling politicians, lawmakers, lobbyists, activists, corporate Australia and anyone who will listen. In this quest he has become a key media spokesperson for dying with dignity in Australia and he knows that every minute counts.
His efforts so far have seen politicians from various parties in Australia come together to put forward a draft bill into federal parliament to introduce dying with dignity legislation.
This documentary will be used in an intimate setting to put all the arguments before the Australian people to ensure the government recognises and represents the needs of terminally ill people to have choice at the end of life. A position that is supported by 82% of Australians.
Peter and his family are determined to see the law changed before he dies and are putting it all on the line by exposing themselves and their family's journey intimately in these last few months of his life.
Your donation will ensure that this important documentary is completed.
About Peter Short
Peter Short was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer five years ago and made a full recovery, or so he thought.
On January 28th this year, his 57th Birthday, he was told the cancer had returned and this time it was terminal. He was given three to nine months to live.
Peter learned of Melbourne based physician, Dr Rodney Syme who had declared, in contravention to laws that should be changed, that he had helped many terminally ill people end their lives.
Peter was both inspired and comforted by the idea of having control over the end of his life, and met with Dr Syme to learn how he could be assisted. Since that time Peter has been on a mission to change the law in Australia to legalise dying with dignity, or voluntary euthanasia.
What's it going to take to get this done
$100,000 from this crowdfunding campaign.
We have initial seed funding, thanks to the support of Dying with Dignity Vicotira of $25,000 that has allowed us to commence filming but those funds are now running short.
We urgently need your help to donate to this film as time is not on Peter's side.
We are offering a range of incentives to those who donate to help with this documentary.
Every dollar raised from this campaign will go towards production of the film, even if we don't reach our target.
Peter has ensured that there is a corporate governance process covering every dollar.
In addition to the crowdfunding, we have an objective to raise the remaining funds from other sources.
What's in this for you
The joy of joining with a significant group of like minded people to change the world.
- A sense of pride and satisfaction for helping a genuine generational cause.
Success will ensure that either you or someone very close to you, experiencing a terminal illness or incurable suffering, will have a beautiful option at the most difficult time in their life. Everybody dies.