Eagle Scout Service Project
Eagle Scout Service Project
Eagle Scout Service Project
Eagle Scout Service Project
Eagle Scout Service Project
This campaign is closed
Eagle Scout Service Project
My name is Alex Wittlin. I am currently working on my Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts in Troop 1818 of Alpharetta, GA. All I have left to finish is my Eagle Service Project. This project requires me to contribute to the community and display leadership skills. I have until June 25, 2017 to complete this project.
My project will be to design and build four 4’ x 8’ raised garden beds for the Cohen Home, which is a nonprofit senior adult assisted living facility located in Johns Creek, GA. These will be outdoor weather resistant structures that the facility can relocate if needed, but will mainly reside in their gardening area. Each garden bed will have removable plastic containers that the residents can plant in. These removable trays will be a huge benefit for the residents who cannot go outside, as they can be removed from the frame and brought inside when being populated, or in the case of inclimate weather. The raised garden beds will have enough space under them to be wheelchair accessible, since some seniors living there are disabled.
The materials needed are listed in the table below
All excess proceeds that are not put into the garden beds will be donated to The Cohen Home.
Information about Troop 1818 can be found at www.troop1818.com
Information about The Cohen Home can be found at www.cohenhome.org
Yours in Scouting,
Alex Wittlin
Troop 1818
Alpharetta, GA