Earthbound was a stand-out graphic novel from the Comicsgate indie-circuit in 2019, it SOLD OUT after a groundswell of positive grassroots reviews from readers. Many claimed it was their favorite book of the year.
Now we are back with PART 2, the epic conclusion to the tale of Wiz Kid, Julia, and Spaceman.
This time around expect two things: ACTION and ANSWERS!
Julia and Spaceman are headhunters sent to Earth to recruit 4 deadly warriors, The Sirens of Violence. The mission is a competition, who can recruit more for their employer, The 13th Sponsor. Should the competition end in a tie, a 5th target has been declared: an estranged teammate of Julia and Spaceman's, WIZ KID.
Now in Part 2, the mission moves unrelentingly towards a clash with the Sirens. The only way you can survive against a Siren is if you have another Siren right there to protect you, so the recruitment technology of the R-Types, special weaponry given to Spaceman and Julian by the 13th Sponsor, becomes especially imperative.
Part 2 will COMPLETELY WRAP UP THIS ARC of Earthbound.
Funding Details
Funds raised will go towards printing and fulfilment of EARTHBOUND parts ONE and TWO, as well as paying other artists to collaborate on future projects and keep the Narwhal Pipeline flowing.
Earthbound Part 2 is what we call a Narwhal Joint. Also available in this campaign:
a. The THIRD Sketchbook featuring the conclusion to the Nosferatu comic.
b. Original Print Run copies of Earthbound Part 1.
c. Earthbound SHIRTS screenprinted by hand by Narwhal himself.
d. FOREIGN AGENT: the second Narwhal Joint.
e. 2nd Print Run of Earthbound part 1.
f. Original Print Run copies of Earthbound Part 1 Hardcover
Risks & Challenges
Narwhal is a PROVEN creator with a 100% track record who has fulfilled multiple projects successfully. He has funds saved from previous campaigns to solve any problem that might arise. And he writes, draws, and letters everything himself, so the workflow is efficient and reliable.
40k: Narwhal Stickers
50k: Narwhal Mafia Business Cards
60k: New Naked Samurai Short included in the book.
70k: Postcard Prints
100k: Franz Kafka's The Trial Gameboy Style Pixel Comic Sample Booklet