Short Summary
Scion of the great Tiffany family of artisans and jewelers, and intimate friend of Sigmund and Anna Freud for decades, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham's life story is nothing short of fascinating, especially as told by her grandson Michael John Burlingham. Our firm New Street, has published the book in a beautifully-produced audio edition, and now we are looking to pre-fund the creation of our elaborately illustrated eBook through greatly discounted pre-sales.
Originally published in paper in 1989, Michael Burlingham's The Last Tiffany received great acclaim:
Burlingham's research, insight, and honesty guarantee that each reader will respond intensely: we can no more escape his family than our own. (The New Yorker)
Michael Burlingham ... gives his readers more than just a history of his famous grandmother's life. Rather, he has written a biography of the dream of dynasty. ...In a measured, evocative style, Burlingham's biography transcends its immediate subject. The story it tells is one of both the tragedies and regenerative powers of the family. (Chicago Tribune)
A drama set in a remarkable time in which New York City matured into an international metropolis, Sigmund Freud revolutionized Western thought, and Hitler rose and was crushed. ... This biography is rich in personal and historical detail. (The New York Times)
What We Need & What You Get
We, the publishing firm New Street Communications, are looking to raise a minimum of $2000 to fund creation of the eBook.
The beautifully produced 14-hour audio edition already released has a retail value of $24.95. The significantly-illustrated eBook will be likewise be priced at $24.95 upon publication.
Folks who pre-order or choose simply to support the project have three discount options:
- At the $35 level you will receive the audiobook immediately and the eBook in November - a $49.90 value discounted down to $35
- At the first of two $20.00 levels you will receive the eBook in November - a $24.95 value discounted down to $20.00
- At the second of two $19.95 levels you will receive the audiobook only, but immediately - a $24.95 value discounted down to $20
The Impact
The importance of Dorothy's life cannot be overemphasized.
Born in 1891, Dorothy Tiffany was the last child in the long line of the famous Tiffany dynasty of jewelers and artisans. As was expected of the young heiress, Dorothy married a wealthy member of the American plutocracy, Dr. Robert Burlingham. But the lackluster life of wealthy young women in early 20th century America held little appeal for Dorothy. Leaving behind her socially prominent husband, she took her children and moved to Europe, where she underwent psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud.
Dorothy and her children became Sigmund and Anna Freud's longterm houseguests and intimate friends, developing a unique and storied extended family relationship that remains fascinating for its depth and complexity. But Dorothy's quest for fulfillment and a rich inner life ultimately had tragic consequences for those who were dearest to her as she embarked on a path that ultimately led to their downfall.
Risks & Challenges
There really are no risks. Our firm New Street, founded 2005, is accomplished at the production of beautifully eBooks. The eBook will be created whether or not we meet our ideal goal, and all discounted pre-orders will be fulfilled.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word using Indiegogo share tools as well as your own social networks. We'd really appreciate that.