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Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

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Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

Education Can Change Lives - The Philippines

2 Campaigns |
マニラ, Philippines
$610 USD 7 backers
2% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects



We are a group of volunteers from different backgrounds and nationalities with a common goal to help children's education around the world. Some of us are teachers, others work for the United Nations but we have shop clerks, nurses and also a gardener in our group.


Every year, we take two weeks off from work in March, to help local communities in South-East Asia. Last March we fixed roofs, walls, gates and fences in three schools,  distributed stationary and clothes to more than 600 students and hand drilled wells in five of the poorest communities in Siem Reap province in Cambodia. 


In 2018, we are planning to volunteer in the Philippines, working together with local NPOs and charities.


For the last couple of months, with the help of our families, friends, bosses and coworkers, we have been collecting used clothes, shoes, picture books and basically anything that children need for their basic education or simply just to be kids.

We are already very happy and satisfied with all the donations that we gathered but with the help of this site we hope to take it a step further and realize our plans to build libraries and computer rooms for six schools and orphanages.


Thank you for all your help in advance!





毎年3月に、私たちは東南アジアで地域の人々を助けるために活動しています。前回は、カンボジアのSiem Reapで3つの学校の屋根、壁、門を修繕したり、600人の子どもたちに学校教材や衣類を配布したり、井戸を5か所掘りました。






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Choose your Perk


$20 USD
T-shirts for 50 children
0 claimed


$50 USD
Notebooks, pens, pencils for 100 children
1 claimed

Business Package I.

$2,500 USD
I will send your company pictures of our volunteer activities that you can use on your company's website
0 claimed

Business Package II.

$5,000 USD
During our volunteer activities, I will take pictures with your company's flag that you can use on your company's website
0 claimed
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