Is a space fantasy adventure comic.
When unresolved mistakes of the past allow an ancient enemy once defeated and long since forgotten to make a sudden return the Tuath Dé Danann are forced to act.
Corum a mage searching for redemption, Kira a warrior who has lost everything, and Gary a quick-witted alien must travel to earth in order to recruit a new conscript who proves to be much more than they could have imagined.
The white cover is EXCLUSIVELY available to the backers of this campaign.
There will only be enough of these covers printed to fulfill the requirements of this campaign and possibly a short in demand period. Once they're gone, they're gone, and will never be printed again. ![]()
The Creative Team
Writer: Jerry Brown
Artist: Carlos Trigo
Letterer: Eric Weathers
Risks & Challenges
Crowdfunding campaigns inherently come with some risk but I have taken steps to minimize those risks by personally funding the majority of this comic. EverMatter is 90% completed. The cover is completed. All of the page art is completed and Eric Weathers is currently working on the lettering.
What's Left? Once the lettering is done there will be a round of editing, pre-press, more editing, a proof copy will be ordered from the printer. and another round of editing. Once all of the editings is done your books will be printed and shipped.
I have minimized the risk to you the backer by making sure the comic is mostly finished.
Money earned by this campaign will go toward printing and shipping. Extra money earned will go toward a second comic.
I need your support to make a high-quality comic. Please consider backing and help make EVERMATTER a reality!
Thank you for your support!
Other Ways You Can Help EverMatter
Excited about the comic and want to HELP!
This amazing comic cannot fund without exposure. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool in the world. Help EverMatter get that exposure by sharing on ALL SOCIAL PLATFORMS!
Thank You!