Nov. 14, 2013
Dear Fear Clinic Patients,
Please note that ALL INFORMATION SURVEYS FOR THE PRE-PRODUCTION CAMPAIGN HAVE BEEN SENT! We need your responses in order to give the vendors the customization details they need while keeping the prices low by purchasing in bulk.
* This applies to contributions made through this campaign only. Surveys will be sent later for those who pledged after August 19th via email or second (current production) campaign. *
To those of you who have already answered - THANK YOU!
If you have purchased a perk through this Indiegogo campaign but have not received a survey, please:
1) Check the email address you used to donate if different than your current;
2) Check your email's "spam" or "junk" folder;
3) Contact us at the email address below and we will gladly help : )
Everyone should have received webisodes - if applicable to their phobia -, some of you have received Twitter follows, some Skype calls were issued, etc.
We are still working very hard to sort everything out and are fulfilling perks as soon as we can based on hectic actor / production schedules in the meantime. Physical perks will be sent out together to keep costs down.
Please stay tuned for more updates and never fear (wait...what?), we have not forgotten about you in the clinic's waiting room ;)
If you have any questions or concerns about this campaign or surveys, please email and we will get back to you asap.
THANKS MUCHO for all of your
generous contributions to Fear Clinic the Movie and for supporting indie
horror. Sorry for the wait on shipping
clarifications and thank you for your patience on this matter. We spent long hours seeking out new ways to
save on International shipping, since the prices are astronomical!
Consequently, this savage
saga has given me an acute case of Transportarephobia (fear of shipping) or at
the very least Postomophobia (fear of the post office) ;)
I hope this updated info
answers and clarifies all your questions, as our perk boxes cannot be modified
after contributions have been made. If
any of you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email me so I can
rectify them ASAP. In the immortal
words ending every email I’ve written to all of you since the start of this
campaign: FEAR ON!
Shipping cost must be added to your contribution.
Phobia price
+ Shipping price = Total contribution to send in.
If you are sending in missing
shipping contributions separately, please send an email or comment to that
effect so Camie can track it :)
Please note that all physical perks will be mailed together in October
2013 to preserve costs.
If multiple contributions are made, a private comment must be left to
indicate if:
1) It is to upgrade to a higher-cost phobia (please specify which one, as
numbers are limited),
2) If you would like to keep the phobias separated to preserve the specific
perks at those levels.
Backer surveys will be sent via email shortly after the campaign to
confirm your total perks and gather information we might be missing such as cast
members of choice, Twitter handles, Skype usernames, costume measurements, voicemail
greetings, and event details.
Oneirogmophobia – Webisodes Downloads -
- HD Webisodes downloads
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS ORIGINAL PERK CHOICE: If you add $4 + shipping ($1.00 US or
$5.00 International), you can have the wristband from Tapinophobia
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- None
shipping fee]
[Estimated delivery AUGUST 2013 FOR THE
Tapinophobia - Wristband - $8.00
- Wristband
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $2.00 if you want the wristband / International, Australian & New
Zealand: $5.00]
delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – VIP
Lounge - $10.00
- Fear Clinic VIP Lounge
website access (includes Thank You video from Robert Englund)
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia, Tapinophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $2.00 if you want the wristband / International, Australian & New
Zealand: $5.00]
[Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Aichmophobia – Kane Twitter &
Postcard - $15.00
- Twitter Follow from
Kane Hodder for at least 6 months
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $2.00 if you want the wristband / International, Australian & New
Zealand: $5.00]
[Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Hydrophobia – Behind the scenes photo -
- One of a kind behind
the scenes digital photo
- .pdf of script
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $2.00 if you want the wristband / International, Australian & New
Zealand: $5.00]
Nudophobia – T-shirt and sticker - $35.00
- Special edition t-shirt
- Collectible sticker
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
Aichmophobia, Hydrophobia
[Shipping to USA: INCLUDED / International,
Australian & New Zealand: $5.00][Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Scopophobia – Skype - $50.00
- 10 minute Video Skype
call with R. Englund or K. Hodder
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
Aichmophobia, Hydrophobia
[Add shipping
to USA: $2.00 if you want the wristband / International, Australian & New
Zealand: $5.00]
delivery SEPTEMBER 2013]
Misophobia – Webisodes DVD - $50.00
- Special edition DVD* of webisodes
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $8.00 / International: $16.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $21.00][Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
*NOTE: Since Blu-ray has become prohibitively expensive, as a
substitute, Robert Englund and Kane Hodder will sign all copies of the
Entomophobia – Certificate - $75.00
- Limited edition phobia
certificate signed by R. Englund
Other phobias included (minus
exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
Aichmophobia, Hydrophobia, Misophobia
[Add shipping
to USA: $14.00 / International: $25.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $35.00][Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Vestiphobia – Costume - $85.00
- Customized Fear Clinic
scrubs costume
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Entomophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $20.00 / International: $35.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $52.00][Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Acrophobia – Bluray Movie - $100.00
- Bluray of the Fear
Clinic movie
- Poster
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Entomophobia, Vestiphobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $16.00 / International: $37.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $59.00][Add another
55$ if you would like the poster to be signed by R. Englund, K. Hodder, and D.
[Estimated delivery – 2014 – or as soon as we
can release the movie]
Hobophobia – Voicemail - $150.00
- 15 second customized .mp3 voicemail recorded
by R. Englund, K. Hodder, or D. Harris
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Entomophobia, Vestiphobia, Acrophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $16.00 / International: $37.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $59.00][Add another 55$ if you would like the poster to
be signed by R. Englund, K. Hodder, and D. Harris]
[Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Athazagoraphobia –
Name in Credits -
- Name in credits
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Entomophobia, Vestiphobia, Acrophobia
[Add shipping
to USA: $20.00 / International: $37.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $59.00][Add another 55$ if you would like the poster to
be signed by R. Englund, K. Hodder, and D. Harris]
[Estimated delivery 2014 – Post Production]
Anablephobia – Director’s chair -
- Personalized director’s
- Autographs from R.
Englund, K. Hodder, D. Harris added to Acrophobia’s poster
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
Aichmophobia, Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Entomophobia,
Vestiphobia, Acrophobia, Athazagoraphobia
[Add shipping
to USA: $40.00 / International: $75.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $85.00][Estimated delivery NOVEMBER 2013]
Belonephobia – Canister - $250.00
- Make up your own phobia
that will be mentioned in the movie at least twice
- Movie credit for your
phobia invention
- Plastic 5” x 3”
canister with the phobia signed by R. Englund or D. Harris (Please provide
phobia name and celeb choice via private comment)
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Entomophobia, Vestiphobia, Acrophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $40.00 / International: $75.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $85.00][Estimated delivery OCTOBER 2013]
Thanatophobia – Cast screening and
after-party - $500.00
- Cast/Crew screening +
after party invitations for you and one friend
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, Aichmophobia,
Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Entomophobia, Vestiphobia, Acrophobia,
[Add shipping
to USA: $40.00 / International: $75.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $85.00][Estimated delivery DECEMBER 2014]
Agoraphobia – Intern set visit -
- 3 day intern set visit
in area of choice
- Wrap party invitation
- Autograph from Robert
Hall also added to Anablephobia’s poster
- Crew t shirt
Other phobias included
(minus exclusive extras):
- Oneirogmophobia,
Tapinophobia, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia,
Aichmophobia, Hydrophobia, Misophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Entomophobia,
Vestiphobia, Acrophobia, Anablephobia
[Add shipping
to USA: $40.00 / International: $75.00 / Australian & New Zealand: $85.00][Estimated delivery NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013]
Adverphobia – Broadcasting
advertisement - $6,000
- D. Harris, K. Hodder,
or R. Englund will mention your brand in the movie
- A movie clip of this will
be provided
shipping fee]
delivery – During production 2013 / Post production 2014]
Aerophobia – Private screening - $10,000
-Robert Englund hosts
private screening and after party in a venue you provide (event date subject to
approval / International venues must pay for half of Robert’s airfare + half of
2 days accommodations)
- Dinner with Robert
[No shipping fee]
[Estimated delivery 2014]
Productomomphobia – Product placement -
-Physical product or name
displayed prominently in the final cut of the movie in an easily identifiable
and non negative manner for at least five seconds in two different scenes
- A movie clip and
screenshot photograph of this will be provided
shipping fee]
[Estimated delivery – During production 2013 /
Post production 2014]
Special Edition Fear Clinic T-shirt PLUS First Edition Printing Collectible STICKER!
We're all afraid of something, right? How many of you horror fans out there would die to see Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger) play a new scary horror franchise character? Hell yeah! And so would we. Well, here it is.....
With over five million viewers, FEAR CLINIC is the most-watched horror web series in FEARnet history. Now we're taking things to the next level by making FEAR CLINIC THE MOVIE! With your support and backing, we can make the kick-ass horror movie we would be proud to show you-- our fans. The kind of scary movie it was destined to become.
Join our team in making horror movie history.
We don’t know about you, but ROBERT ENGLUND (Freddy Krueger/NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET) scared the shit out of us as teenagers. We were honored beyond words when he read the script and called us up one day to tell us that he wanted to star in the web series! From that day, Robert’s been behind this project every step of the way.
ROBERT GREEN HALL, our director, as you can tell from the pitch video, has written/directed/produced three feature-length movies (LIGHTNING BUG, LAID TO REST, CHROMESKULL: LAID TO REST 2) and recently directed episodes of TEEN WOLF on MTV. Additionally, his ALMOST HUMAN STUDIOS provides innovative and award-winning creative and visual effects for numerous movies and shows (TEEN WOLF, QURONTINE, BURROWERS, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, BUFFY, ANGEL, X-FILES (to name only a few).
Look, it’s insanely difficult launching a brand-new horror movie franchise. Studios rarely invest in something new, hence the reason for so many horror remakes year after year.
Even before launching the Fear Clinic Web Series we've been trying to raise money to make this movie. Over the past three years, many companies and investors have read the script and LOVED it! We've even had a handful of these people make us some pretty decent offers. But as you know there is no free lunch in this town. The types of deals we were offerred meant handing over our passion project to strangers, and we've worked too dang hard, poured hours and hours of our lives into this, sacrificed greatly-- to hand Fear Clinic over to somebody else so they could have all the fun and credit for making it happen.
So like anybody with a dream, we've stuck to our guns and held out, clinging to the hope that one day we would find investors and backers who would let us make FEAR CLINIC into the type of horror movie it deserves to be.
So far we've been pretty successful with raising most of the 1.2 million dollars-- the total budget we need to make this movie. We also have an investor ready to match whatever funds we raise on this campaign. However, we still have a $300,000. GAP we need to fill to put Fear Clinic on the movie screen and scare the living shit out of you!
JOIN US in backing FEAR CLINIC THE MOVIE so we can share with you that proud feeling of accomplishment that has driven us to make this movie a reality.
This will allow us to get FEAR CLINIC THE MOVIE into production. We’ve slashed the budget down to the marrow to make this happen.
This amount is ultimately what we need to cover the entire gap of the 1.2 million dollar budget. If somehow hell freezes over and we’re lucky enough to exceed this goal, it will allow us to make some of the bigger set pieces we were forced to cut from the script due to budgetary constraints.
But no matter what, big or small budget— FEAR CLINIC THE MOVIE is going to be a scary thrill ride of a movie! You have our word. Just ask Robert Englund. He only does scary.
We asked ourselves what cool and amazing stuff would we want if we were backing this movie. So, after a hardcore brainstorming session, we came up with a list of exciting, unique, one-of-a-kind memorabilia, scare-filled activities and opportunities we really hope you'll not only love but cherish.
We're talking about the kinds of things no other movie experience could ever offer you. Like the chance to go inside the FEAR CHAMBER itself (accompanied with scary sound and lighting effects and the "reassuring" voice of Robert Englund).
Or how about the unique opportunity to be a patient from the Fear Clinic this Halloween (complete with a pair of tailor-made scrubs with your name embroidered on the front pocket and 'PROPERTY OF FEAR CLINIC' printed on the back)? But don't come running to us when the cops arrest you, believing you've just escaped from the Fear Clinic!
What about owning a one and only production still for your very own that a professional photographer will take ONLY FOR YOU during production!
Or the chance to join Robert Green Hall's award-winning Almost Human visual effects team during the making of this movie? Or, how many of us have dreamed of being in a horror movie with Robert Englund and Danielle Harris? We believe these are the kinds of unique opportunities that a person will never forget for the rest of their life.
After all, we are so looking forward to making Fear Clinic the Movie a reality and we want you to share in that experience with us. And get your horror on!
1. SHARE this Indiegogo campaign with EVERYONE you know on the entire planet. (link to share: and use the hashtag: #fearclinicmovie
4. Participate in our upcoming CONTESTS on our FB and Twitter fan pages!
Thanks for your time and attention and watching our pitch video. We worked really, really hard on this campaign. See you at the movie!