My name is Terea McQueen, I am a 22 year old philadelphia native and currently a full-time cosmetology student at Jean Madeline Aveda Institute. Feel Good, Look Good, is essentially derived from the unique tools and beliefs that my school thrives on, That when people feel good, they look good, We don't just aim to provide our guests with great service but a memorable experience. Feel Good, Look Good will mock the same values. Raising the funds for this campaign will not only allow me to reach the senses of others but to continue what I was taught after graduation and obtaining my cosmetology license July 2017.
This business will be simply to cater to the hardest working women, who just need that Sweet Escape after a long work day, or week. To supply services and products that assess our guests needs, by being able to enhance their physical appearance, giving them a great experience, a boost of confidence, and feeling vibrant and refreshed, mentally and physically.
The goal is to raise $20,000. The funding will go to product research, product development, marketing, Advertising, website, the launch and possibly the physical location of the salon/store front.
We will set ourselves apart from other beauty salons that may offer only one or two types of service. We do plan to offer our clients pampering retreats, rare specials that cannot be turned down, as well as loyalty and referral discounts, ELITE rewards program, and promote health and better dieting along the way.
Our desire is to have no salon similar to us; we do not intend to compete. Our biggest aim is to please, as we desire to give our guest the recurring luxurious experience that denotes our "Look good, feel good" proverb.
Our business atmosphere will be a relaxing one where clients can kick back and be pampered. Liquid refreshments and relaxers will be offered to clients as they enter for service and in some areas of the salon will contain Entertainment while other areas will offer soft serene sounds and dim lighting, creating therapeutic enjoyment and a temporary escape.
Even if the goal is not met, It will still go to starting this project.
Please feel free to promote this campaign and help spread the word, about feel good, look good. And join us as we begin the start of something new.