Short Summary
"The best things come to those who collaborate."
First Period is a pooling of creative resources, starting with the outlandish script by Brandon Alexander III, the comedy of Dudley Beene, the creative direction of myself (Charlie Vaughn), and the art of Jasin Sloan.
The film will be a launching pad for several artists careers, as well as the cast of the film. Alongside some fresh actors, some terrific names are being added to the cast daily as the contracts are signed. These annoucements will be made as the ink dries. You will be kept on the cusp of the news about the film. Read about it before it hits Perez.
What We Need & What You Get
In order to really make the film sparkle, we are looking into scoring a real, live school. Yes, the education system is hurting for money, and we want to help them. Location fees, insurance, and permits are not cheap. We understand that money doesn't grow on trees ( although since money is paper, and paper comes from trees... ) and we know this is an election year... so elect to give money to the arts and entertainment; and employ some hungry actors, and keep the lights on in some campuses.
In addition to the cool karma you will get from giving to our campaign, we will share with the world--or at least the thousands of people who stay for the credits, by giving you a shout out in our credits. A special thanks will be given to every person who donates, regardless of dollar amount.
For those who give $50 or more, a DVD of the film will be sent to you when the film is released.
$100 or more will receive the above perks, but your DVD will be signed by our two male ( really female but truly male ) leads... and the director as well.
$200 or more will include the above perks, along with an invite to the wrap party.
$500 or more will include all the above perks, along with Associate Producer credit.
$750 or more will include all the above perks, plus a role in the film ( to be determined based on your type ).
$1000 or more will include all the above perks, plus a character named after you and a set visit.
$5000 or more will include a the film's High School to be named after you. The name is referenced several times in the film. Yes, even if your name is John Jacob Jingle Himer Schmidt, we will honor that perk.
$7,500 or more you will receive Producer credit, and we can discuss some possible points on the back end. This is ideal for someone who is looking for an investment, rather than a donation.
The Impact
There is a saying at film schools, that students always want to make films that they have seen before. I have NEVER seen a film quite like First Period, and that's why we need to get this film in the best shape possible. This film will be a delight at the festivals, and you will be able to take pride in saying you helped get First Period on screen. Impress your friends; embarrass your children.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you grew up watching teen comedies of the 80's, you will LOVE First Period. It's so totally cool. So share this link with people who can dop some quarters into our arcade.