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Free Mama Earth

Save the environment through music. Aria gives download streaming sales to &

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Free Mama Earth

Free Mama Earth

Free Mama Earth

Free Mama Earth

Free Mama Earth

Save the environment through music. Aria gives download streaming sales to &

Save the environment through music. Aria gives download streaming sales to &

Save the environment through music. Aria gives download streaming sales to &

Save the environment through music. Aria gives download streaming sales to &

Aria Elan
Aria Elan
Aria Elan
Aria Elan
1 Campaign |
Port Hueneme, United States
$2,000 USD 46 backers
40% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

I am seeking your support to help "Free Mama Earth" from the abuse caused by destructive human behavior like ozone layer depletion (climate change), nuclear proliferation and deforestation.  As a mother and singer/songwriter, the environment, peace and social justice are causes dear to my heart. One morning I awoke with the melody for "Free Mama Earth" and the lyrics flowed through my fingers onto a composition book.  Grammy award winner Mamadou Diabate is playing on "Free Mama Earth." Once we receive funding and release "Free Mama Earth,"  100% of sales from downloads and  streams of "Free Mama Earth" will be donated to ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND and NUCLEAR AGE PEACE FOUNDATION   

Environmental problems like climate change can seem overwhelming and impossible to solve, but doing nothing guarantees failure. "It always seems impossible until it's done." President Nelson Mandela.

The kind of world our children and future generations will inherit depends on actions we take now. "Free Mama Earth" is about saving Mama Earth from abuse like humans cutting down all the trees in the forest, polluting the drinking water, oceans, air, atmosphere... Plus, the music is beautiful.  

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.  United we are rich in ideas. Together we can make an impact. WILL YOU PLEASE JOIN ME BY MAKING A DONATION?

What We Need & What You Get

Our budget of $5,000 for production of "Free Mama Earth" is detailed in the "pie" chart: (Producer, recording studios, engineers, side musicians, background vocalist...) Funds received in excess of $5,000 will be used to produce an epic environmental video for Aria Elan's new song: "Free Mama Earth". 100% of sales from downloads and streams of "Free Mama Earth" will be donated to ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND and NUCLEAR AGE PEACE FOUNDATION to help support the important work they do to STOP  climate change, rain forest destruction and nuclear proliferation.

We are rewarding donors with cool gifts. "Free Mama Earth" bumper stickers, pens, organic 100% cotton t-shirts, CD autographed by Aria Elan, skype concert - Aria Elan singing "Free Mama Earth" and songs from "Smile" album.

The Impact

The old ocean front power plant in the opening of my video spews waste into the air & ocean causing pollution and erosion.  Normally I would be running as far away from the power plant as possible, but I'm running towards it to show you the surreal juxtaposition between the majestic Pacific Ocean and the ugly, dangerous 20th century power plant located only a few yards from the ocean.  We need more 21st century clean energy solutions like solar and wind, not nuclear or fossil fuel monstrosities. 

Mama Earth is the only home we have.  I want our children & future generations to inherit a garden of eden, not a nuked out polluted planet. No more Hiroshima or Fukushima.

I am doing this "Free Mama Earth" campaign for children all over the world. They are coming.  I am going.  When my eyes close, "Free Mama Earth" will continue to inspire and raise money for our cause.  THANK YOU.

One Planet, One Blood, One Love...

Risks & Challenges

Like Kermit the Frog said: "It's not easy being green."  I understand that the middle class is dwindling all around the world, people are suffering and do not have a lot of money, but we all find time and money for the things that are important to us. Saving our environment is important to millions of people around the world. Your donations will make all the difference in assuring the success of "Free Mama Earth" campaign, so please join me and vote with your dollars. 

I have personal knowledge about overcoming adversity. Born African American on a small farm in South Carolina, I overcame racism and sexism to achieve my goals. We can do this!

Other Ways You Can Help

Please share this "Free Mama Earth" campaign with your family and friends through email and social media. Use the indiegogo share tools! Thanks and One Love! Aria

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Choose your Perk

Good Karma

$5 USD
Aria Elan wishes good karma upon you for helping save the environment through music.
4 claimed

Free Mama Earth bumper sticker

$25 USD
"Free Mama Earth" bumper sticker plus "Free Mama Earth" pen.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
2 claimed

Free Mama Earth autographed CD

$50 USD
"Free Mama Earth" autographed CD by Aria Elan plus "Free Mama Earth" pen and bumper sticker..
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
5 claimed

Free Mama Earth organic tshirt

$100 USD
"Free Mama Earth" organic 100% cotton t-shirt plus "Free Mama Earth" pen, bumper sticker and autographed CD by Aria Elan.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 claimed

skype concert Aria Elan

$500 USD
Aria Elan will serenade the donor via skype, singing "Free Mama Earth" and songs from "Smile" album. Also, donor will receive "Free Mama Earth" merchandise: pen, bumper sticker, organic 100% cotton t-shirt and CD autographed by Aria Elan.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 claimed

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