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Funding my place at the world's best film school

Original art work of some of your favourite TV characters for sale

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Funding my place at the world's best film school

Funding my place at the world's best film school

Funding my place at the world's best film school

Funding my place at the world's best film school

Funding my place at the world's best film school

Original art work of some of your favourite TV characters for sale

Original art work of some of your favourite TV characters for sale

Original art work of some of your favourite TV characters for sale

Original art work of some of your favourite TV characters for sale

Louis Dodd
Louis Dodd
Louis Dodd
Louis Dodd
1 Campaign |
Liverpool, United Kingdom
$290 USD $290 USD 12 backers
11% of $2,589 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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If anyone has problems making a payment, contact:

Welcome to my Indiegogo Page!

My name is Louis Dodd and I'm a composer and artist from the UK. Since 2011 I have worked on over 40 short films, episodes and games for companies such as the BBC, as well as companies based in the UK, USA, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Serbia and Istanbul. I have set up this campaign to help me fund my time studying Composition for Film and Television at the National FIlm and Television School. As I have always loved art, I decided to make some designs which would be printed and sold as posters, T-Shirts, Hoodies and Sweatshirts. The designs available are of Walter White (Breaking Bad), Dexter, Nucky Thompson (Boardwalk Empire) and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones). 
I wanted to do something a bit different and interesting, so I made the portraits on Photoshop and they are made entirely out of triangles. Each triangle was individually drawn and coloured, and each portrait took around 2-3 days to complete.

Recently, after over 6 months of interviews and applications, I was accepted into the prestigious National Film and Television School based in Beaconsfield. This was recently voted the World's best Film School, and as you can imagine is an absolutely incredible opportunity for anyone. I was so happy to find out I had been offered a place, and was lucky enough to find funding to pay half of my fees and shall be taking out a loan for the other half (which is really not cheap at all!). Although all of this has worked out well so far, I am still in need of money to actually move 200 miles away from home and live in a new town for the next two years. Of course, I will be looking for work as soon as I start the course but this campaign is to help me get started by funding a couple of months' rent and bills whilst I look for a part time job. 

The professional advantages of studying at this school are tremendous, with many of its students going on to win Oscars, BAFTAs and work on some of the biggest blockbusters out there! Not only do the students do well, but most of the staff are active in the film industry right now, so the teaching doesn't get much better. Being able to attend this school would be life changing, however without the funds to get started this may not be possible. 

So, what exactly would I be using your money for?

Well, as I said above I'm looking to use the money from this campaign to fund a couple of months of rent and bills when I move from Liverpool to Beaconsfield in January 2015. I have been looking at property renting prices for several weeks now, and £500 per month is pretty much standard (which is almost double what I paid for my last flat) so already this is a big financial blow!
After looking at my past financial outgoings, I figured that I can probably cover utility bills and food for about £250 per month, which is cutting it pretty fine, but is more than manageable (4 years of being a student teaches you how to be poor :P).
The third and final financial problem is that almost every property that I have looked at is unfurnished, meaning I'm going to have to buy a bed, a desk and chair, some kitchen utensils etc. This is likely to come to almost £500 after actually getting all of my stuff to Beaconsfield.
So just to break that down for anyone who fell asleep whilst reading (I need to stop ranting!)
Rent - £500 per month
Bills/Food - £250 per month
Furniture - £500
Total of first two months - £2000

Enough of the boring stuff, what do YOU get?

Well, I have created quite a large variety of perks which I am hoping you will like! All 4 portrait designs are available on T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweatshirts and even as prints in 3 different sizes! Perks are offered for contributions of £5 and upwards, however anything donated is greatly appreciated :).
I have tried to keep the prices as reasonable as possible, taking into account the cost of buying merchandise, printing and postage. Remember these designs are completely unique and cannot be purchased anywhere else. Treat yourself or someone you know to an early Christmas present - you know you deserve it! 

What are the risks?

To be completely honest, none! If you like the designs and would like to have it as a print or to wear, then you'll be getting a quality product and donating to what I think is a very good and honest cause. All money raised is reserved purely to pay for amenities, not for personal enjoyment, and I thank anyone who is kind enough to help out in anyway that they can!

Can't contribute?

That's fine! I'm grateful that you looked at my page and if you would like to help, but can't donate, then sharing this page would help me massively. The more people who see it, the better!
So, that's basically it! If you have read this far, thank you so much for taking the time out to do so, and to any one who donates or shares the page a massive thank you and I hope you like your rewards!
Below are examples of my products. At the very bottom of this page is a size guide and important information about the designs which I highly recommend reading before purchasing, as unfortunately some designs aren't available in certain colours. 



Men's T Shirts

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Women's T-Shirts

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 photo Nuckyandwaltsweater_zpsfde3ab61.png  photo daenerysanddextersweater_zps6dd45245.png

 photo Sweatshirtsizechart_zps52d11e64.png

Here is a list of colour choices for T-Shirts, Hoodies and Sweatshirts for each portrait:

Walter White - Grey, White
Dexter - Grey, White, Black
Nucky Thompson - Grey, White
Daenerys Targaryen - Grey, White, Black



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Choose your Perk

You're awesome

Currency Conversion $1 USD
£1 GBP
Anyone who donates £1 - £4.99 will receive a thank you email
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 claimed

One Mini Print

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
A5 print of one of the 4 characters, your choice! You will also receive a thank you note along with it. READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
2 claimed

One Standard Print

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A4 print of one of the 4 characters, your choice! You will also receive a thank you note along with it. READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

One Mega Print

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
A3 print of one of 4 characters, your choice! You will also receive a thank you note along with it. READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

One T-shirt!

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£24 GBP
With a donation of £24, you receive a T-shirt with a print of a character of your choice. Sizing options are shown below the example pictures and colour information is shown at the bottom of the page. Make sure you tell me what character, colour and size you would like to make sure you receive your order without any problems. Thanks! This cost includes postage and packaging. (cost may increase slightly for delivery outside of the UK)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
5 claimed

One Hoodie!

Currency Conversion $44 USD
£34 GBP
With a donation of £34, you receive a Hoodie with a print of a character of your choice. Sizing options are shown below the example pictures and colour information is shown at the bottom of the page. Thanks! READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING This cost includes postage and packaging. (cost may increase slightly for delivery outside of the UK)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
2 claimed

One Sweatshirt!

Currency Conversion $47 USD
£36 GBP
With a donation of £36, you receive a Sweatshirt with a print of a character of your choice. Sizing options are shown below the example pictures and colour information is shown at the bottom of the page. Thanks! READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING This cost includes postage and packaging. (Cost may increase slightly for delivery outside of the UK)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

Hoodie, T-Shirt, Print Combo!

Currency Conversion $78 USD
£60 GBP
With a donation of £60, you receive a Hoodie,T-Shirt and 2 A4 Prints with a print of a character of your choice on each. Sizing options are shown below the example pictures and colour information is shown at the bottom of the page. A HUGE Thank you! READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING This cost includes postage and packaging. (Cost may increase slightly for delivery outside of the UK)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

The Whole Lot!

Currency Conversion $129 USD
£100 GBP
With a donation of £100, you receive a Hoodie, Sweater, T-Shirt and A3, A4, A5 print with characters of your choice on each! Sizing options are shown below the example pictures and colour information is shown at the bottom of the page. A MASSIVE Thank You for your help! READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING This cost includes postage and packaging. (Cost may increase slightly for delivery outside of the UK)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

Own Personalised Portrait!

Currency Conversion $259 USD
£200 GBP
Thats right, for £200 I will do a portrait of a character of your choice! It can be an actor, musician, family member or anyone else you may want. This is your chance to get your own personalised piece of art, and what makes it better is that it will arrive framed, straight to your door! This could be a perfect Christmas gift for somebody, and will be helping with this campaign in a huge way! Thank you so much! READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION AT BOTTOM OF PAGE BEFORE DONATING
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
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