Allow us to be the streetlamp through the fog, and create a new tea experience for you.
Bring London to Los Angeles
Anglophiles unite! Would you like to walk past the red double decker bus, through the TARDIS and into The Paradise? Enter a shoppe of wonders and glorious trinkets that emulate your heart's desire while the tunes of Morrissey waft through the lavender scented air? Don Holmes' greatcoat, find your way over the fine British foods section, and maybe have a cuppa tea while you watch The Young Ones in our tea room? Make new friends while attending our Whovian viewing events, Downtown Abbey tea parties, geeky game nights and Sherlockian murder mystery tours?
The brains behind this wonderful endeavor run Clockwork Couture, The World's Fynest Steampunk Clothier and Clockwork Cature, animal rescue. It was their love for England that got them into the fantasy world of Neo-Victoriana and what constantly called back to them. We want to continue to rescue another 300+ animals and support local artists in this new medium.
So WHAT are you crazy blokes doing?
First of all, no fake accents. No, just no. Instead we are giving those unable to make the trip across the lily pond a taste of life in a British store. Expect the nice girl with the mohawk and Doc Martens to show you the Ab Fab dvd's, advise you on which confectionaries go best with the loose leaf tea you've chosen, and why The Cure is the best band, ever*. Special order items no one else has, and obscurities you thought no one else knew about. Home to expatriates and locals alike, we won't just be an import store but rather a community center in which to share your love of Britania while getting your geek on.
The risk? What risk?
Okay, sure, retail always has some inherent risk, but we have run a successful retail store for 6 years, and other endeavors before that. We are more than confident that we have secured suppliers and craftsmen to fulfill every Whovian's wish, Sherlock fans secret desire and IT Crowd afficionados itinerary.
Some of the stretch goals include:
30K overfunded, we buy a red double decker bus, straight from the UK and when not parked for all to take pictures with, will be used to host murder mystery road trips, silly tours around LA, and able to be rented for your own adventures.
2k overfunded, a big, red, phone booth (yeah, I know, we have a blue one, but how fun would a RED ONE be?????)
How will you use the $12,000?
Buying a kiln and molds so we can produce our very own, exclusive hand-painted tea pots, cups and saucers, a programmable tea machine to handle all temperatures and steep times, plus a new sign for all to see, and a new entertainment system to host geeky sing along nights, Broadchurch viewing parties and Saturday morning cartoons, a street lamp for the end of the driveway, and theme out the space to make it a fully immersive experience.
Wish to help another way?
Can't spare a dollar? Thank you so much for reading:
- If you can share this, please do. We will need every set of eyeballs we can get.
*not all staff may agree with this statement, but you may be shown the door if you don't. -Donna (kidding)**
**not kidding+
+Donna actually believes that, but she won't kick you out for it. She may however look at you funny.
And Bob's your uncle.